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AWS C2.19/C2.19M:2013 pdf free download

AWS C2.19/C2.19M:2013 pdf free download.Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings to Machine Elements for OEM and Repair.
5.6 Test Procedure
5.6.1 Preparation of Test Specimens Specimens for Microscopic Examination. Panels approximately 3 in x 2 in [75 mm x 50 rnmj by 0.050 in
11.27 mmj minimum thickness shall be sprayed on one of the large faces using the appropriate spray procedure and metal substrate. The coating thickness shall be OAM)8 in 10.2 mml minimum. Specimens for Visual Tests. Panels approximately 3m x 2 in (75mm x 50 mml by 0.050 in 11.27 mm) minimum thickness shall be sprayed on one of the large faces using the appropriate spray procedure and metal substrate. The coating thickness shall be 0.(X)8 in 10.2 mrnj. or the maximum thickness recommended by the coating feedsiock manufacturer, whichever is smaller. Two-coat samples shall have 0.002 in to 0.(X)3 in 10.05 mm to 0.08 mmj bond coat and at least 0.005 in 10.13 mm) topcoat. Specimen for Bond Test. Specimens shall be prepared. sprayed. and tested in accordance with ASTM C
633 protocols unless otherwise specified in the contract documents — see 5.1.1 and Annex D.
5.6.2 Visual Examination. Each of the as-sprayed specimens shall be examined at 20x to 50x magnification.
5.6.3 Microscopic Exaiiiination. For microscopic examination, a section 0.75 in to 1.00 in [19 mm to 25 mml long by 0.25 in to 0.50 in 16.4 mm to 13 mml wide shall be cut from each of the prepared panels. The section shall be mounted on the longer side of the cross-section and then prepared metallographically. Determine the oxide and porosity contents at 2(X)X by use of line-intercept, grid area, or optical comparison techniques. or by using comparison photographs as shown in Figure 3.
5.6.4 Bond Test. The bond test shall be made in accordance with ASTM C 633 protocols unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. (see 5.1.1 and Annex D). Spraying. Spraying shall be performed using the appropriate procedure and substrate. Areas not to be sprayed shall be masked on the outer diameter to prevent over spraying. Per ASTM C 633, the as-sprayed thickness shall be greater than 0.015 in 10.38 mm) unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. (see 5.1.1 and Annex D). Application. The coating shall be applied as uniformly as possible to maintain the squareness of the machined test specimen. If the squareness of the machined specimen cannot be maintained during the coating. grinding is permissible to restore the squareness, provided the coating thickness stipulated by the manufacturer. After grinding, the specimen may be cleaned by vapor degreasing.AWS C2.19/C2.19M:2013 pdf free download.

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