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AWS C4.5M:2012 pdf free download
AWS C4.5M:2012 pdf free download.Uniform Designation System for Oxyfuel Nozzles.
4.1.3 Marking Configuration. The style and location of the markings are left to the manufucturer to establish. The markings must include the manufacturer’s identification and model number (part number) or code, e.g., CT 324). followed by the fuel gas identification and then the maximum cutting capacity of the nozzle. e.g.. A 6 mm, Example; Acnie Mig. CT 12-0 A 6 miii. If necessary. more than one line may be used to mark the infoniiation on the nozzle.
4.2 Safcty and ilcaith Rcquircmcnts. The manufacturer shall make available the detailed instructions for the proper settings of the cutting nozzles. This information must include the recommended pressure settings in kilopascak (kPa) and the tiow rates in liters per nilnute (Umin for the oxygen and fuel gas required. These settings should give the operator acceptable performance under normal operating conditions.
The manufacturer shall make the safety information available for the proper use and operation of the cutting nozzle and related equipment used for oxyfuel cutting. This information should be in the form of instruction literature or imprinted on the product packaging.
5. Welding Nozzles
This clause applies o all oxyfuel welding nozzles used with a welding torch for the purpose of welding metals.
5.1 %Iarking. The marking shall he legible and durable. All nozzles or mixing sections shall be marked with the name. registered trademark, or identiting mark of the manufacturer, with the symbol identifying the fuel gas. the welding nozzle capacity, and with a cxk to pernhit easy reference to the manufacturer’s operating data.
5.1.1 Furl (; flvsigna(ion. The fuel gas shall he imprinted per the abbreviations in Table I. When a nozzle may be used with multiple fuel gases. the abbreviations for all applicable gases shall be marked on the nozzle. Example: AH or PY.
5.1.2 Wclding (‘apacity. The nozzle or mixing section shall be marked with the maximum welding capacity in millimeters. This rating should be the maximum material thickness that the nozzle will etiectively weld under practical conditions. This rating is the responsibility of the manufacturer to establish Example: 6 mm.
5.1.3 MarkIng Configuration. The style and location of the marking is left to the manufacturer to establish. The marking must include the manufacturer’s identificatkrn and model number (pan number) or code. e.g.. WT208, followed by the fuel gas identification and thcii the maximum welding capacity of the nozzle, e.g. A 6 mm. Example: Acme Mfg.AWS C4.5M:2012 pdf free download.
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