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AWS C7.6/C7.6M:2017 pdf free download

AWS C7.6/C7.6M:2017 pdf free download.Process Specification and Operator Qualification for Laser Hybrid Welding.
5.1 Equipment. The major subsystems of a laser system may be grouped as described below. Because of the integrated nature of a typical system. a vital consideration for establishing qualified welding procedures is the calibration. momtonng. and maintenance of the system. Based on this need, it is suggested that a welding equipment qualification procedure be added during the establishment of the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR). Welding Procedure Specification (WPS), and welder operatorqualihcation. To ensure that the system is properly calibrated and maintained, the suggested equipment qualification procedure should be conducted prior to developing the PQR and WPS.
The suggested welding equipment qualification procedure subsystems are detailed in Clause 5.1 and suggested operational limits are detailed in Clause 5.5. Clause 8 details the measurements and calibration of the subsystems and the laser system as a whole. The actual measurements made should be reported in an Equipment Qualification Record (EQR), and a sample of such a record is shown in Annex A. As part of this procedure, it is suggested that an equipment journal indicating all maintenance requirements and activities for the system. suhsysem. and individual components is maintained.
5.1.1 Laser Beani Generator. The laser generator shall meet the essential variables and possible limits as outlined in
5.5.1 of this specification. At appropriate intervals, to be noted in the welding EQR. the laser system (see Clause 5.5 for essential process variables) shall be qualified to determine that equipment is in proper working order and capable of weld process requl rements. Any modification to the Laser Beam Generator shall require an equipment requalilication.
5.1.2 Beam Delivery Optics and Optical Hardware. The beam delivery optics and optical hardware shall safely and consistently deliver the laser beam from the laser generator to the workpiece. The beam delivery hardware consists of all optical components from the Laser Beam Generator up to laser beam/material interaction point. These optical components may consist of polariiers. reflective mirrors, transmissive optics. fiber-optic cables, focus optics. optical scanning devices, and beam cover tubes. Suggested essential variable and possible limits for laser beam delivery hardware are outlined in 5.5.2 of this specification. Any modification o the beam delivery hardware shall require an equipment requalification.
5.1.3 Auxiliary Power Supply. The method for adding heat other than that coming from the laser to the process is an essential variable, and the possible limits are outlined in 5.5.3 of this specification. Auxiliary power includes all of the components related to the heating of the filler material. AWS C7.6/C7.6M:2017 pdf free download.

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