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AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 pdf free download

AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 pdf free download.Structural Welding Code Steel. Low-Hydrogen Electrode Storage Conditions. All electrodes having low-hydrogen coverings conforming to AWS A5.1 and AWS A5.5 shall be purchased in hermetically sealed containers or shall be baked by the user in conformance with prior o use. After opening the hermetically sealed container, electrodes not immediately issued for use shall be stored in ovens held at a temperature of at least 250°F [120°C]. Electrodes shall be rebaked no more than once. Electrodes that have been wet shall not he used. Approved Atmospheric Time Periods. After hermetically sealed containers are opened or after electrodes are removed from baking or storage ovens, the electrode exposure to the atmosphere shall not exceed the values shown in column A, Table 5.1, for the specific electrode classification with optional supplemenal designators, where applicable. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for periods less than those allowed by column A, Table 5.1 may be returned to a holding oven maintained at 250°F 1 120°C1 mm.; after a minimum hold period of four hours at 250°F [1 20°Cj mm. the electrodes may be reissued. Alternative Atmospheric Exposure Time Periods Established by Tests. The alternative exposure time values shown in column B in Table 5.1 may he used provided testing establishes the maximum allowable time. The testing shall be performed in conformance with AWS A5.5 for each electrode classification and each electrode manufacturer. Such tests shall establish that the maximum moisture content values of AWS A5.5 arc not exceeded. Additionally, E7OXX or E7OXX-X (AWS A5. 1 or A5.5) low-hydrogen electrode coverings shall be limited to a maximum moisture content not exceeding 0.4% by weight. These electrodes shall not be used at relative humidity- temperature combinations that exceed either the relative humidity or moisture content in the air that prevailed during the testing program.
For proper application of this subclause, see Annex F for the temperature-moisture content chart and its examples. The chart shown in Annex F, or any standard psychometric chart, shall be used in the determination of temperature-relative humidity limits. Baking Electrodes. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for periods greater than those allowed in Table 5.1 shall be baked as follows:
(1) All electrodes having low-hydrogen coverings conforming to AWS A5. I shall he baked for at least two hours between 5(X)°F and 800°F [260°C and 430°C], or.AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 pdf free download.

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