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AWS D1.4/D1.4M:2005 pdf free download

AWS D1.4/D1.4M:2005 pdf free download.Structural Welding Code Reinforcing Steel. Backing Bar Length. The length of the hacking bar shall he sufficient to extend past the radiographic area of interest and allow for placement of the IQI within the radiographic image of the hacking bar. Film Placement. The radiographic film shall he placed perpendicular to the radiation source at all times and in contact with the bar. The film shall he placed at the root of the joint for the zero degree exposure. See Figure 7.2 for film placement. Geometric Unsharpness. Gamma ray sources, regardless of size, shall he capable of meeting the geometric unsharpness limitation of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Section V. Article 2, regardless of the size of the reinforcing bar. Source-to-Subject Distance. The source-to- subject distance shall he maintained so as to not violate the maximum geometric unsharpness criteria of 0.020, at all times, as specified in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V, Article 2. The source-to-subject distance shall not he less than seven times the thickness of weld plus reinforcement and hacking, if any. Sources. X-ray units, 600 kvp maximum, and iridium 192 may he used as a source for all radiographic inspection provided they have adequate penetrating ability. Other radiographic sources shall he subject to the approval of the Engineer. IQI Selection and Placement. Hole type IQIs shall be selected and placed on the source side of the bar, perpendicular to the radiation source and nearest the area of interest being radiographed. One hole type IQI shall he placed in the center of each bar to he radio- graphed with the 2 T hole being closest to the weld and the IQI identification numbers being furthest from the weld. IQI image shall not appear in the radiographic image of the weld. When more than one bar is being radiographed each shall have an IQI placed as described above. Wire penetrameters or penetrameter blocks shall not be used. Penetrameter image density shall be maintained in accordance with the density limitations specifled for the area of interest. Technique Coverage. Welded joints shall he radiographed by methods that will provide complete inspection of the joint within the limits specified to he examined. Short film. short screens, excessive undercut by scattered radiation, or any other process that obscures portions of the total weld shall render the radiograph unacceptable. Film Length. Film shall have sufficient length and shall he placed to provide at least 1/2 in. [12 mm] of film beyond the projected edge of the weld.AWS D1.4/D1.4M:2005 pdf free download.

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