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AWS D16.1M/D16.1:2018 pdf free download

AWS D16.1M/D16.1:2018 pdf free download.Specification for Robotic Arc Welding Safety.
4.3.4 Pcfl(Iant Lniergency Stop. i’he pendant shall be equipped with an emergency stop push button that will cause all ha,ardous operations to cease. When activated, the emergency stop control shall produce a category 0 or cate— got-v I stop as defined in A N S I/N FPA 7),ihc emergency stop pushbutton shall he the red mushroom type vi tIl a safety alert ye] low background. [he emergenc slop control shall require a maiiual resetting after activation.
A deliberate act shall he required to resume the robot automal ic cycle a tier the activation o I’ an emergency stop.
4.3.5 Sinlc Point of Control. When local pendant control is selected, the initiation of motion shall he prevented from any source except that source selected.
4.4 Weld Program Verification. Robot welding programs can be yen lied visually by trained operators and technicians. The procedures fbr verifying the robot welding shall include the tblIoving requirements:
(I) Personnel shall be trained on the safe use of the robot, the welding process, and the system requirements prior to pertbrm ing program yen ficat ion.
(2) The program should be executed without the welding arc being on to verif the actual weld path and control function of’ the robot. In order to allow welding in teach mode. a deliberate action shall he required. Teachers shall have an indication hen welding is enabled.
(3) One trained individual shall observe the actual welding process in the restricted space. i’he individual shall he equipped with an enabling de ice and the ocrall speed of the robot shall he restricted to a iuainium TCP speed of 250mmsec (10 in. see). When i.iiore than one enabling device is in operation (i.e. more than one persomi is in the safeguarded space with an enabling dc ice. illotion shall only he possible when each device is held in the center enabled position at the smile time.
4.5 Slop Speed Control. Slow speed eomrol shall limit Lhe maximum velocity of the robot measured a the tool centei’ point ol’ the robot to 250 mm.see i 0 in. see).
4. Axis Limiting. The robot should be equipped with means to limit the resiricted space of the robot. lxplanation of’ Restricted Space can be tund in Annex B.
Adjustable mechanical stops may be used to limit axis one. t u and three. All mechanical stops shall stop the robot at rated sneed and rated load.AWS D16.1M/D16.1:2018 pdf free download.

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