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AWS D17.2/D17.2M:2019 pdf free download

AWS D17.2/D17.2M:2019 pdf free download.Specification for Resistance Welding for Aerospace Applications.
5. Quality Assurance Provisions
5.1 Production Quality Control
5.1.1 Schedules. Qualified personnel in each plant shall be responsible for the control of machine settings and all welding schedules. Certified schedules shall be available for examination by any authorized inspector at any time.
5.1.2 Weld Location. Welds shall be located as specified on the engineering drawing or documentation provided by the Engineering Authority.
5.1.3 Test Specimens. Certification and production witness specimens shall conform to the production parts they represent with respect to material, thickness, overlap, configuration, and surface condition or preparation. The use of flat coupons is acceptable if testing has shown equivalency to the production parts. Equivalency shall be demonstrated by comparing the results of flat coupons to specimens representing the production configuration and both shall meet the requirements of this specification. Production witness specimens shall be run with production weld conditions using either certification specimens or a simulation of the production part. When production conditions exist that were not applied during certification, but cause machine settings to differ from certification settings so as to exceed the permitted latitude (5.1 .5), the certification shall be run again with the subject critical production conditions included. Examples of such production conditions include, but are not limited to, magnetic material in the machine throat, curvature of the part, spot weld spacing, and part (overlap) width.
5.1.4 Surface Resistance. A daily check shall be made of the surface resistance in micro-ohms for Group 1 (Class A) welds when running production parts. A minimum of five readings shall be made on samples typical of the material being welded and its surface condition and preparation. The details of the method of obtaining the surface resistance measurement shall be the same as those used for the certification of welding schedules or cleaning procedures and the values of the surface resistance shall not exceed the limits of consistency and maximum values established at that time. Use of existing material cleaning and etching process control/monitoring may be substituted for the surface resistance checks as deemed appropriate by the Engineering Authority.AWS D17.2/D17.2M:2019 pdf free download.

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