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AWS D9.1/D9.1M:2018 pdf free download

AWS D9.1/D9.1M:2018 pdf free download.Sheet Metal Welding Code.
10. Braze Welding Procedure Qualification
10.1 Prior Procedure Qualification
10.1.1 Braze welding procedures qualified in accordance with AVS B2. l/B2. I M, Standard/or Welding Pron’dure and Performance Quali/ication, shall be accepted for welding to this code. Standard Velding Procedure Specifications (SWPSs) published by AWS shall be accepted as qualified procedures.
10.1.2 The Engineer, exercising proper discretion, may accept evidence of previous qualification of specific procedures to be used on work being performed under this code.
10.2 Required Procedure Qualification Tests
10.2.1 Bra,e elding Procedure Specification. The qualification ofa WPS shall be the responsibility oftheConractor.
Each welding procedure to be used in conjunction with this code shall be prepared as a Vclding Procedure Specification
(WPS). An independent third party may perform the actual procedure qualification tests and prepare the forms: however.
the Contractor shall he responsible for certifying acceptance in accordance with the requirements of this code (see 10.5.1).
All required information for the VPS. listed in 10.3, shall be recorded on form similar to that shown in Annex D.
10.2.2 Typical Joints. Qualification of any complete joint penetration (UP) groove braze weld shown in Annex (i
provides qualification for any groove braze or fillet braze weld. Qualification of any fillet braze weld shown in Annex G
provides qualification for any fillet braze weld. Qualification of a fillet braze weld does NOT provide qualification for a
groove braze weld.
10.2.3 Preparing Joint Chosen for Testing. The chosen joint type shall be prepared as a longitudinal weld joint between two 3 in by 6 in [75 mm by 150 mm] minimum sheets, assembled using one of the joints types shown in Figure 4 or by using the actual joint to be used. Qualification testing using the butt joint in Figure 4 shall qualify all groove and fillet weld joint types.
10.2.4 Bra,e Welding the Test Joint. The joint shall be braze welded using the process specified in the \VPS (see 10.2.1).
10.3 Limitations of Procedure Qualification. A qualified braze welding procedure shall be used only within the range of operating variables tested during qualification. These limits of essential variables are described in 10.3.1 through 10.3.9. The variables shall be recorded on an adequate PQR form such as shown in Annex E.
10.3.1 Base 1etals. A change from one of the following base metal groups o another, or a change to a weld between dissimilar metals, requires separate qualification:AWS D9.1/D9.1M:2018 pdf free download.

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