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AWS G2.3M/G2.3:2019 pdf free download
AWS G2.3M/G2.3:2019 pdf free download.Guide for the Joining of Solid Solution Austenitic Stainless Steels.
The different alloys in the solid solution austenitic family have different compositions and properties, but many common characteristics. They can he hardened by cold working. hut not by heat treatment. In the annealed condition, wrought base materials are essentially nonmagnetic. although some might exhibit a slight magnetic attraction because of variations in chemical composition or the extent of cold working after annealing. Cast alloys, depending on the alloy type and the specific composition of the casting, can range from nonmagnetic to strongly magnetic, depending on the casting’s ferrite content. Weld metals can also exhibit varying levels of magnetic attraction depending on weld metal ferrite content. The austenitics are readily formed, fabricated, and welded. They generally have a good combination of corrosion resistance, toughness even at cryogenic temperatures, and strength. Some stainless alloys such as Types 304H, 3l6H, 321, and 347 are used often in high-temperature applications because of their improved creep strength.
Wrought alloys were identified in the old American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) system as Type 300 series. Today the Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys (UNS) is widely used, and stainless steel is identified by a letter followed by a live-digit number (e.g., Type 304 is S30400). Alloys containing over 2% manganese as a minimum requirement, along with deliberate nitrogen addition, are often identified as 200 series alloys.
Type 304 (UNS S30400). sometimes referred to as 18-8 stainless, is the most widely used alloy of the austenitic group. It has a nominal composition of 18% chromium and 8% nickel. Type 304 has excellent corrosion resistance in general aqueous or atmospheric service environments and has good mechanical properties. Molybdenum is added to various alloys, including Types 316 and 317, for improved pitting and crevice corrosion resistance compared to Type 304. Type 317 has improved resistance in increasing chloride environments. Table 4.1 lists the chemical composition limits of some commonly used wrought austenitic grades.
Cast alloy designations were originally established by the Alloy Casting Institute and have since been adopted by ASTM International. Alloy designations beginning with the letter C are most commonly used for their corrosion-resistant characteristics in aqueous environments and in vapors below 650 t 11200 CF]. Alloy designations beginning with the letter H are most commonly used above 650 t [1200 FI. The higher carbon content of the H-alloys makes them stronger at dcratcd temperatures than the corrosion resistant types. Table 4.2 lists the chemical composition limits of some commonly used cast austenitic grades.
4.2 Properties. Since different grades of austenitic stainless steels have different allowable chemical compositions, the austenitic stainless steels can exhibit a wide range of mechanical properties. AWS G2.3M/G2.3:2019 pdf free download.
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