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CSA 12.3-2014 pdf free download

CSA 12.3-2014 pdf free download.Fuel system components for compressed natural gas powered vehicles.
The temperature within the fog chamber shall be maintained between 33 °C and 36 °C (91°F and 97°F). The saline solution shall consist of 5 percent sodium chloride and 95 percent distilled water, by weight.
Immediately following the corrosion test, the components shall be rinsed and gently cleaned of salt deposits, examined for distortion, and then subjected to Clause 5.3, followed by the hydrostatic strength test specified in Clause 5.2.
5.7.3 Accelerated cyclic corrosion General
All components that are expected to operate in vehicle underbody service conditions, or those components whose in-vehicle locations are unknown, and all components whose failure could result in uncontrolled release of the container contents (e.g., automatic and manual container valves, fittings, tubing, check valves, etc.), shall be exposed to an accelerated laboratory corrosion test under a combination of cyclic conditions (salt solution, various temperatures, humidity, and ambient environment). The test method is comprised of 1 percent (approximate) complex salt mist applications coupled with high temperature, high humidity, and high temperature dry off. Electrical components shall be connected to an electrical source, caused to be energized at the rated voltage, cycled one hour on I one hour off during the active test segments, and grounded as per the intended vehicle installation method. One (1)test cycle is equal to 24 hours, as illustrated in Figure 1, Accelerated cyclic corrosion flow diagram.
The apparatus used for this test shall consist of a fog/environmental chamber, suitable water supply conforming to ASTM Dl 193, Type IV, provisions for heating the chamber, and the necessary means of controlling temperature between 22 °C and 62 °C (72° F and 144°F). The apparatus shall include provisions for a supply of suitably conditioned compressed air and one or more nozzles for fog generation. The nozzle or nozzles used for the generation of the fog shall be directed or baffled to minimize any direct impingement on the test samples.
The apparatus shall consist of the chamber design as defined in ISO 6270-2. During “wet-bottom” generated humidity cycles, the independent inspection or test agency shall confirm that visible water droplets are found on the samples to verify proper wetness.
Steam generated humidity may be used provided the source of water used in generating the steam is free of corrosion inhibitors. During steam generated humidity cycles, the independent inspection or test agency shall confirm that visible water droplets are found on the samples to verify proper wetness.
The apparatus for the dry-off stage shall have the ability to obtain and maintain the following environmental conditions: temperature: 60 ± 2 DC (140 ± 4°F)and humidity: ≤ 30 percent RH. The apparatus shall also have sufficient air circulation to prevent temperature stratification and also allow thorough drying of the test samples.CSA 12.3-2014 pdf free download.

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