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CSA 2.3-2016 pdf free download

CSA 2.3-2016 pdf free download.Gas-fired central furnaces.
If a piezo-electric spark device is used for pilot burner ignition, it shall comply with the Standard for
Manually Operated Piezo-Electric Spark Gas Ignition Systems and Components, ANSI Z21.77 • CSA 6.23.
Every furnace and each completely separated combustion chamber of the furnace shall be equipped with an automatic gas ignition system(s). This system(s) shall be designed to function In one of the following manners:
a) provide for ignition of main burner gas by means of a proved pilot.
If the presence of the pilot is not proved, provide for automatic shutoff of main burner and pilot burner gas;
b) provide for ignition of main burner gas using a direct ignition system that only supervises the main burner(s) flame.
If the presence of the main burner flame is not proved, provide for automatic shutoff of main burner gas.
In the event of main burner flame outage during an operating cycle, provide for automatic shutoff of main burner gas without re-energizing the direct ignition device or provide for safe re-ignition of main burner gas by re-energizing the direct ignition device as stipulated in Clause 5.11.5. The application of these type of direct ignition systems are limited to furnaces having Input ratings up to and including 400,000 Btu/hr (117 228 W) per combustion chamber under control of the ignition system. This limitation shall apply to any sectional-type furnace where there is any interconnection between sections below the draft hood or flue collar; or
c) provide for ignition of main burner gas using a direct ignition system incorporating a proved igniter which proves that the igniter is capable of ignition prior to initiation of main burner gas flow. For systems that supervise main burner flame during an operating cycle and de-energize the igniter, provide for automatic shutoff of main burner gas in the event of main burner flame outage.
In addition to the automatic gas ignition system functions specified in Clauses 4. 10.3(a) and 4. 10.3(b), a system may incorporate multiple ignition recycles, if a pilot burner and safety shutoff device system complies with Clause 5.10.12 or a direct ignition system complies with Clause 5.11.6.
In addition to the automatic gas ignition system functions specified in Clause 4.10.3(a), a system having an interrupted ignition source shall provide for supervision of the main burner flame only following the main burner trial for ignition period. If the presence of the main burner flame is not proved within the trial for ignition period, the system shall provide for automatic shutoff of main burner and pilot burner gas.CSA 2.3-2016 pdf free download.

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