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CSA 3.8-2014 pdf free download

CSA 3.8-2014 pdf free download.Gas-fired equipment for drying farm Crops.
The automatic gas ignition system shall operate in accordance with the following, as applicable:
a) A flame-establishing period to determine the establishment of a pilot shall not exceed the timing specified in Table 1, Maximum Safety Control Timings. If the pilot fails to ignite within the specified period, the pilot gas shall be automatically shut off and the primary safety control shall assume a lockout position and require a manual restart.
b) Interrupted Pilot. If the pilot flame is proven, the main safety shutoff valve is energized. A main burner flame-establishing period as specified in Table 1, Maximum Safety Control Timings, shall be allowed, then the pilot gas flow shall be interrupted and the flame sensor shall then supervise the main burner flame. If the main burner flame is not established, both the pilot automatic valve and the main gas safety shutoff valve shall be de-energized and the primary safety control shall assume a lockout position and require a manual restart. Supervision of the main burner flame only shall begin at the end of the main burner flame-establishing period.
c) Intermittent Pilot. If the pilot is proven, the main gas safety shutoff valve is energized and the pilot valve remains energized during the entire period that the main burner(s) is firing.
d) Continuous Pilot. When the pilot is proven, the main gas safety shutoff valve may be energized and the pilot valve remains energized if the flame sequence is not interrupted.
e) With a direct ignition system, a main burner flame-establishing period as specified in Table 1, Maximum Safety Control Timings, shall be allowed. If the main burner flame is not established, the main gas safety shutoff valve shall be de-energized. A total of three sequential ignition attempts may occur. If it is not successful, the primary safety control shall assume a lockout position and shall require a manual restart.
f) The primary safety control shall de-energize all main gas safety shutoff valves within the time specified in Table 1, Maximum Safety Control Timings, after flame failure. A total of three sequential ignition attempts may occur. If it is not successful, the primary safety control shall assume a lockout position and shall require a manual restart.
g) A burner circuit shall be arranged to prevent feedback by a motor, capacitor, or similar device from energizing a fuel valve or ignition device after a control functions to shut off the burner.
Automatic gas ignition system timings shall not exceed those shown in Table 1, Maximum Safety Control
Timings, as applicable.CSA 3.8-2014 pdf free download.

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