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CSA A440.4-2019 pdf free download
CSA A440.4-2019 pdf free download.Window , door , and skylight installation.
pointed finish complying with A.4MA 308 to ensure thermal expansion of the sill and head is not excessive. The distance “A” Is measured from the underside of the fenestration product sill to the bottom edge of the first shim above the sill and from the top of the fenest ration product head to the top edge of the first shim below the head.
3) The locotlons of shims and anchors in Figures 1 to 18 might require adjustment to suit features of some frame materials. For example, fusion-welded corners of vinyl (P) frames often project slightly below the ssFll, so placing shims beneath the jambs might cause stress to the welded joint, resulting In failure, In such cases, the location of shims and anchors may be adjusted slightly.
4) Curb mount and deck mount unit skylights are intended to be installed directly on previously installed curbs or directly on the roof sheathing, respectively. Many frame styles preclude the possibility of installing shims. Therefore, core must be taken when constructing the cwb and/or preparing the rough opening to ensure that the top of the curb or the surface of the roof sheathing on which the skylight rests is flat, so that distortion of the unit skylight frame does not occur.
5) Inset mount unit skylights are intended to be Installed within the rough opening, with anchors resting directly on and fastened to the roof sheathing. Such unit skylights might be provided with adjustable anchors to allow for some irregularities in the roof sheathing. However, if irregularities in the roof sheathing beyond the range of adjustment of anchors exist or adjustable anchors are not provided, remedial work ,-n’ght be required to the roof sheathing when preparing the rough opening to ovoid distorting the unit skylight frame.
Shims shall be installed at each fastener through the fenestration product frame into the surrounding
rough opening.
1) The installation of shims at the head of a window or door unit con cause vertical loads to be transferred to the unit as the lintel deflects. Therefore, this practice is not recommended and should be avoided whenever possible. However, situations con arise in which a shim at the head of a window or door unit is needed. For example, a larger unit might require o shim at the head to help prevent lateral rotation of the head membei Extreme caution should be used when installing shims at the heads of window or door units. See Clause 6.5 for more information.
2) When installing shims at the head of a window or door unit, the window or door assembly should be designed to accommodate the short- and long-term differential movement between the rough opening and the window head.
Shims shall be installed between the fenestration product frame and the rough opening, from the Interior face of the fenestratlon product frame to the exterior face of the fenestratlon product frame, unless permitted otherwise by the fenestration product manufacturer’s installation instructions or the written instructions of a design professional.
1) For most fenestration products, support to the full depth of the product frame is needed to prevent distortion, such as sagging of a sill under the weight of insulating gloss units or sideways bending of a jamb during installation of fasteners. Such conditions might affect performance of the window. Shims installed between the frome and rough opening, for the full depth of the frame, can prevent distortion.CSA A440.4-2019 pdf free download.
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