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CSA B167-2016 pdf free download

CSA B167-2016 pdf free download.Overhead cranes , gantry cranes ,monorails , hoists , and jib cranes.
4.3 Procedures
4.3.1 General
The facility shall have documented procedures for crane and hoist operation, maintenance, and inspection.
Note: This Standard sets minimum requirements for the development and maintenance of crone and hoist management pix,cedures. It does not provide a comprehensive list of procedures. The facility should determine the scope and extent of its procedures based on its size, complexity, and scope of operation.
Procedures shall be reviewed periodically to ensure they are up to date. The review shall include a) confirmation that responsible personnel and departments are still able to perform their duties, and
are aware of their responsibilities; and
b) confirmation that all of the equipment and systems covered by the procedures are still in use, and that any new equipment is also covered by procedures.
4.3.2 Initial procedures for inspection and maintenance
Prior to any inspection, adjustment, maintenance activity, or repair of a crane or hoist, related hazards shall be identified and a risk assessment shall be performed. Based on this assessment, the following shall be performed:
a) All motion controllers shall be placed in the OFF position. The main switch (crane disconnect) shall be operated to the OPEN position, checked, de-energized, locked out, and tagged.
b) Before performing maintenance or inspection of the power-collector system or any other electrical component within the area of the building power distribution system to the equipment, the power source shall be de-energized, locked out, and tagged. Where It Is not practical to disconnect and lock out the power supply to live electrical installations, equipment, or power lines, the power distribution system shall be guarded to prevent contact, in accordance with applicable requirements.
c) Lockout, tagout, and tryout procedures shall be implemented for all other equipment in close proximity to the equipment being repaired.
d) Personal protective equipment appropriate for the job hazards shall be worn by all personnel involved in the work.
e) Consideration shall be given to the power distribution system when mobile lifting equipment is used to access the crane from floor elevation. CSA B167-2016 pdf free download.

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