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CSA B242-05 pdf free download

CSA B242-05 pdf free download.Groove-and shoulder-type mechanical pIpe couplings.
The test to determine the maximum pressure capacity of a coupling shall be conducted as follows:
(a) Assemble the coupling specimen around two caps of nominal dimensions, as illustrated in Figure 4.
(b) Fill the assembly with water and ensure that the air is expelled.
(c) Gradually increase the pressure until mechanical failure or leakage occurs.
(d) Record the maximum pressure achieved.
A total of three tests specified in Clause shall be conducted on three different couplings, i.e., one test per coupling. The lowest test pressure recorded, divided by a safety factor of 3, shall be the maximum pressure capacity of the coupling.
After each run of the test specified in Clause, the end caps shall be visually inspected for damage and. if damaged, either replaced or reworked to ensure a satisfactory test.
For couplings NPS-30 and larger, two tests shall be considered satisfactory. A larger safety factor shall be applied if deemed necessary by the manufacturer.
8.2 Hydrostatic test for flexible joints
8.2.1 General
The object of the hydrostatic test is to test a flexible joint under maximum loading conditions due to internal pressure. When the pipes are deflected in the coupling as shown in Figure 5, end-pull forces due to internal pressure are concentrated on a small portion of the coupling key and the groove or shoulder so that end-pull stresses on the joint are more severe than when the pipes are straight within the joint. The hydrostatic test simulates these conditions,
8.2.2 Performance
The joints shall not leak or display permanent distortion when tested in accordance with Clause 8.2.3.
8.2.3 Test method
The hydrostatic test for flexible joints shall be conducted as follows:
(a) Assemble the following as shown in Figure 5:
(i) two pieces of pipe with the appropriate end preparation of nominal dimensions and appropriate wall thickness, each at least 600 mm long; and
(II) a pipe coupling of nominal dimensions.
(b) Fill the assembly with water and ensure that the air is expelled.
(C) Using the single-point load method illustrated in Figure 5(a), apply sufficient force at mid-coupling to deflect the pipes in the coupling to their maximum calculated angle without inducing strains at the ioiflt.CSA B242-05 pdf free download.

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