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CSA B355-2019 pdf free download

CSA B355-2019 pdf free download.Platform ifts and stair ifts for barrier-free access.
5.4 Under-platform access
When a platform resting on its bottom mechanical limits does not have the under-platform clearance specified in Item a) or b) of this Clause, the structure shall incorporate a device that, when appropriately positioned during maintenance, will mechanically prevent the platform from descending closer to the pit floor than the following distances:
a) 600 mm, where access to the under-platform space is required only for the purpose of routine inspections of the lift equipment, other than the drive unit or controller; and
b) 1500 mm or the distance between the pit floor and the platform when positioned at the top landing, whichever is less, but in no case less than 900 mm, where access to the under-platform space is required for inspection and maintenance of any part of the driving unit or controller.
For lifts with a travel of less than 1000 mm, an alternative means of access for inspection and maintenance of any part of the driving unit or controller shall be permitted, provided that it performs the same function and affords an equivalent degree of safety to that specified in Items a) and b).
Where the floor of the runway is located more than 300 mm below the level of the bottom landing sill, the following requirements shall be met:
a) Access to the pit shall be by means of the lowest landing door or a separate pit access door.
b) Access to pits that extend more than 1000 mm below the sill of the pit access door shall be by means of a fixed vertical ladder of non-combustible material, located within reach of the access door, The ladder shall extend not less than 1200 mm above the sill of the access door. The centreline of the ladder rungs shall be located not less than 100 mm from the runway wall or other obstructions.
c) In no case shall the pit floor extend more than 3000 mm below the sill of the pit access door.
d) The requirements in Section 38-024 of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I shall apply.
e) Where the pit floor extends more than 900 mm below the sill of the pit access door, notwithstanding Clause 5.4.1, an under-platform clearance of 600 mm minimum shall be provided when the platform is resting on its bottom mechanical limits or fully compressed buffers.
f) Pits extending to the ground shall be designed to prevent entry of groundwater into the pit. Where the entry from other sources is anticipated, provision shall be made to prevent accumulation of water in the pit.
g) Drains and sump pumps, where provided, shall comply with the applicable plumbing code, and they shall be provided with a positive means to prevent water, gases, and odours from entering the runway.CSA B355-2019 pdf free download.

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