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CSA C191-04 pdf free download
CSA C191-04 pdf free download.Performance of electric storage tank water heaters for domestic hot water service.
water withdrawn before the outlet water temperature drops 17 °C (30.6°F) shall be determined. Note: The ratio of the volume of water withdrawn to the actual rank capacity, multiplied by 100, is the percentage of actual tank capacity withdrawn.
6.8 Thermostat tests
6.8.1 Range of adjustment and calibration tests (..alibration of the upper thermostat
With the lower thermostat blocked open, the upper thermostat shall be set at 60 °C (140°F) and the water heater operated under the control of the upper thermostat. After three or more cycles, the temperature of the water in the top-of-tank shall be measured at cut-out. This temperature shall determine the upper thermostat calibration at that setting. This test shall be repeated at the 50 °C (122°F) and 77 °C (1 70.6°F) settings of the thermostat. CalIbration of the lower thermostat
With the upper thermostat disconnected, the water heater shall be operated under the control of the lower thermostat, which shall be set at 60 °C (140°F). After three or more cycles, the temperature of the water in the top-of-tank shall be measured at cut-out. This temperature shall determine the lower thermostat calibration at that setting. This test shall be repeated for 50 °C (122°F) and 77 °C (1 70.6°F) settings of the thermostat.
6.8.2 Controlled temperature differential tests Controlled temperature differential of upper thermostat
With the lower thermostat disconnected, the upper thermostat shall be set at 60 °C (140°F) and the water heater operated under the control of the upper thermostat. After three or more cycles, the temperature of the water at the level of the temperature-sensing element of the upper thermostat shall be measured at both cut-out and cut-in. The difference between these two temperatures shall be the controlled temperature differential of the upper thermostat. Controlled temperature differential of lower thermostat
With the upper thermostat disconnected, the lower thermostat shall be set at 60 °C (140°F) and the water heater operated under the control of the lower thermostat. After three or more cycles, the temperature of the water at the level of the temperature-sensing element of the lower thermostat shall be measured at both cut-out and cut-in. The difference between these two temperatures shall be the controlled temperature differential of the lower thermostat.
6.9 Watts density test
The immersion element watts density shall be the ratio of the rated watts input to the area of the outside
heated surface of the element sheath.
Note: The lenath of the heated surface is the lenath of the sheath between the otiachment points of the resistance wire.CSA C191-04 pdf free download.
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