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CSA C22.3 NO.7-2020 pdf free download

CSA C22.3 NO.7-2020 pdf free download.Underground systems. Supply cables greater than 750 V
The requirements for random separation shall apply when the separation (vertical or horizontal) between direct-buried communication and supply cables operating at greater than 750 V is less than the minimum separation required by Clause Random separation, or contact on a continuous basis. may occur, provided that
a) the parties concerned mutually agree on the separation involved;
b) the installation meets the requirements of Clause or
c) the supply cables operate at a maximum voltage of 22 kV, supplied from a multigrounded neutral wye connected system;
d) communication equipment with exposed non-current-carrying metallic parts is bonded in accordance with Clause , and
e) the communication cable meets one of the following two options:
I) the communication cable is entirely all-dielectric fibre-optic; or
ii) the communication cable sheath or shield is bonded to the effectively grounded supply neutral, In accordance with Clause 14.7.2. Grounded bare neutral (unjacketed) supply cables greater than 750 V For random separation with grounded bare neutral supply cables operating at greater than 750 V, the effectively grounded bare neutral conductor shall
a) be in continuous contact with the earth;
b) be capable of carrying, without being damaged, the expected sustained system-neutral current; c) be able to withstand without damage to itself and to adjacent cable components, except at the
original fault location, the maximum expected thermal energy due to the fault current; and d) consist of a metallic shield/sheath or a concentric neutral conductor.
Note: Construction of a metallic shield/sheath or concentric neutral conductor should be in accordance with CSA C68.5 or SA C68.1O as applicable. Jacketed supply cables greater than 750 V
For random separation with jacketed supply cables operating at greater than 750 V. the effectively grounded neutral conductor shall
a) be grounded in accordance with Clause 14.7.1
b) be capable of carrying, without being damaged, the expected sustained system-neutral current; c) be able to withstand without damage, except at the original fault location, the maximum expected
thermal energy due to the fault current; and
d) consist of a metallic shield/sheath or a concentric neutral conductor.
Note: Construction of a metallic shield/sheath or concentric neutral conductor should be in accordance with CSA C68.5 or cS.4 C68. 10 as applicable.CSA C22.3 NO.7-2020 pdf free download.

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