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CSA C381.2-17 pdf free download

CSA C381.2-17 pdf free download.Energy performance of battery-charging systems and uninterruptible power supplIes.
5.16 Determining the 24-h energy consumption
The accumulated energy or the average input power, integrated over the test period from the charge and maintenance mode test, shall be used to calculate 24-h energy consumption.
5.17 Standby mode energy consumption measurement
The standby mode measurement depends on the configuration of the battery charger as follows:
a) A measurement of standby power consumption shall be conducted while the battery charger is connected to the power source. The battery shall be disconnected from the charger, the charger allowed to operate for at least 30 mm, and the power (i.e., watts) consumed recorded as the time series integral of the power consumed over a 10-mm test period, divided by the period of measurement. If the battery charger has manual ON-OFF switches, all shall be turned on for the duration of the standby mode test.
b) Standby mode can also apply to products with integral batteries. If the product uses a cradle and/or adapter for power conversion and charging, then disconnecting the battery from the charger shall require disconnection of the end-use product, which contains the batteries, The other enclosures of the battery charging system shall remain connected to the main electricity supply, and standby mode power consumption will equal that of the cradle and/or adapter alone.
c) If the product is powered through a detachable ac power cord and contains integrated power conversion and charging circuitry, then only the cord shall remain connected to mains, and standby mode power consumption will equal that of the ac power cord (I.e., zero watts).
d) Finally, if the product contains integrated power conversion and charging circuitry, but is powered through a non-detachable ac power cord or plug blades, then no part of the system shall remain connected to mains, and standby mode measurement is not applicable.
5.18 OFF mode energy consumption measurement
The OFF mode measurement depends on the configuration of the battery charger, as follows:
a) If the battery charger has manual ON-OFF switches, a measurement of OFF mode energy consumption shall be measured while the battery charger is connected to the power source. The battery shall be removed from the charger, the charger allowed to operate for at least 30 mm, and the power (i.e., watts) consumed recorded as the time series integral of the power consumed over a lO-miri test period, divided by the period of measurement, with all manual ON-OFF switches turned off. If the battery charger does not have manual ON-OFF switches, users shall record that the OFF mode measurement is not applicable to this product.
b) OFF mode can also apply to products with integral batteries. If the product uses a cradle and/or adapter for power conversion and charging, then disconnecting the battery from the charger shall require disconnection of the end-use product, which contains the batteries. The other enclosures of the battery charging system shall remain connected to the main electricity supply, and OFF mode power consumption will equal that of the cradle and/or adapter alone.CSA C381.2-17 pdf free download.

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