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CSA C49.2-10 pdf free download

CSA C49.2-10 pdf free download.Compact round aluminum conductors steel reinforced ( ACSR ).
3 Definitions
In addition to the definitions in CAN/CSA-C61 089. the toflowng definitions shall apply In this Standard:
Compact round ACSR — a concentnc-lay-stranded conductor consisting of a central single-wire steel core surrounded by one or two Layers of helically laid round aluminum wires and compacted into an
overall final round shape by drawing. rolbng, or other means.
(qulvalent diameter — the diameter of a round wire that has the same cross-sectional area as a given formed wire of the same material.
4 Construction
4.1 Round 13S0-H19 hard-drawn aluminum wire (Al)
Before stranding and compacting, round 1 350-H19 hard-drawn aluminum wire (Al) shall comply with
4.2 Round zinc-coated steel core wire (SIA)
Round zinc-coated hard-drawn steel core wire (S1A) shall comply with CAN/CSA-C60888.
4.3 Completed conductors
4.3.1 MaterIal
The completed conductor shal be made of a zinc-coated steel wire and aluminum wires baying, after stranding, the mechanical and dimensional properties specified in this Standard.
4.3.2 flesignation system
The conductor shall be designated in accordance with Clause 4 of IEC 62219, except that the code number that indicates the equivalent conductive section of Al F shall be expressed with at least two s.gnlfkant digits.
Note: 71w blowing are three exwrçdes of conductor ‘siqnatns:
(a) 8.4/1.4 A IF/S lA-i?: a con*tor made of AIF fotmed ofun*,um wits and S IA rrgukir.strength steel. The area of 411 aluminwn is 8.4 mm2 arid the orea 0(514 steel is 1.4 mm2. The nominal dianieter of the conductor is (37 x 0.1) mm.
(b) 13/2.2.A1F/SlA.46. a conxtor mode of All banned o*mWnum wires and SIA regular-strength steel The area of All okmi.num Isl3mm2,andthe area olSIA stetl is 2.2 mm2. Theno final diameter of the conductor is (46×0.1)rnm.
(C) IO7/18.AIF/SIA-131: oconöjctormodeofAlubormedafumu,un, wires ondSiA regular.strength steel. The area of Allaluminum is 107 mm2, iid the area oJSJA steel is 18 mm2. The nominal i*ameter of the conductor is
(131 O.1)mm.
4.3.3 Standard sizes
The diameter of the zinc-coated steel wire and the nominal cross-sectional area of aluminum and steel for the standard sizes of completed conductors shall comply with Table 1.CSA C49.2-10 pdf free download.

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