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CSA C68.1-92 pdf free download

CSA C68.1-92 pdf free download.Specifications for Impregnated Paper-Insulated Metallic-Sheathed Cable , Solid Type. The thickness of the sheath shall be determined by measurements made with a micrometer caliper directly on the specimens of sheath removed from the cable. At least five separate measurements, approximately equally spaced around the circumference, shall be made on each specimen. The average of all of the measurements on the specimens from any length of cable shall be considered the average thickness of the sheath. The minimum of all of the measurements shall be considered the minimum thickness of the sheath (Table VII). Specimens of sheath removed for the purpose of determining dimensions shall be free from external mechanical 1nury and not less than 3 inches (76.2 mm) long with ends cut perpendicular to the axis of the cable.
11.0.1 The manufacturer shall make tests on samples of cable selected by him as set forth in this section, except that at least one complete set of these tests shall be made whenever the manufacturer makes any substantial change in manufacturing method or uses a new kind of paper or Impregnating compound. If the purchaser requires more frequent tests, he shall so state in his inquiry and the manufacturer shall state in his proposal any charges for such additional tests.
11.0.2 The samples for the tests of Sections 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.3.1, and
11.3.2 shall be selected and cut before any required paralleling or triplexing of single-conductor cable, and these tests shall be made without the samples having been paralleled or triplexed.
11.0.3 When a corrosion protective covering is specified, the samples for tests required in this section shall be selected at various manufacturing stages as follows. The samples for the test of Section 11.3.2 may be cut before or after the application of the corrosion protective covering. If covered samples are selected, the covering shall be removed before the test is made. The samples for the tests of Sections 11.2.1. 11.2.2, 11.3.1, 11.4 and 11.5 shall be selected and cut after the application of the corrosion protective covering.
Frequency of Tests.CSA C68.1-92 pdf free download.

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