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CSA C746-06 pdf free download

CSA C746-06 pdf free download.Performance standard for rating large and single packaged vertical air conditioners and heat pumps.
8.2 Indoor-side or cooling coil air quantity
The indoor-side air quantity shall be used in all tests specified in Clause 8, without regard to the resulting external static pressure. Heating-only heat pumps shall use the air quantity experienced when the unit is operating under high-temperature heating conditions. See Tables 4 to 6 for temperature conditions.
For air conditioners and heat pumps covered by this Standard, the standard ratings shall be determined at an indoor-side air quantity not greater than 60 L/s per kW (37.2 cfm per 1000 Btu/h) of rated cooling capacity or at a lower indoor-side air quantity if specified by the manufacturer.
The external Static pressure developed at the specified air quantity shall not be less than the minimum external static pressure specified in Clause 8.6 and Table 9. All air quantities shall be expressed as L/s (cfm) of standard air with a density of 1 .2 kg/rn3 (0.075 lb/ft3).
8.3 Outdoor-side or condenser air quantity
All standard ratings for equipment covered by this Standard and having an adjustable fan drive shall be determined at the outdoor-side air quantity specified by the manufacturer. If the fan drive is not
adjustable, standard ratings shall be determined at the outdoor-side air quantity inherent in the unit when the unit is operating with all the resistance elements associated with inlets, louvres, and any ductwork and attachments considered by the manufacturer to be required by normal installation practices. Once
established, the outdoor-side air circuit of the unit shall remain unchanged throughout all tests specified in Clause 8 unless automatic adjustment of outdoor airflow rates is made by system function.
8.4 Separated assemblies
All standard ratings for equipment in which the outdoor section is separated from the indoor section, i.e., Types RC, RCY, RCU, RCUY, HRC, HORC, HRCU, and HORCU, shall be determined with at least
7.6 m (25 ft) of interconnecting tubing on each line. The tubing shall be of the size recommended by the manufacturer. When interconnecting tubing is furnished as an integral part of the machine and is not recommended for cutting to length, the equipment shall be tested with the complete length of
tubing furnished or with 7.6 m (25 It) of tubing, whichever is greater. At least 1.5 m (5.0 It) of the
interconnecting tubing shall be exposed to the outside conditions. The line sizes, insulation, and details of installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s published recommendations.
8.5 External static pressures — Indoor-side
When delivering the rated cooling capacity and the air quantity specified in Clause 8.2, indoor air-moving equipment intended for use with field-installed duct systems shall be designed to operate against and be tested at not less than the minimum external static pressure specified in Table 9. This requirement shall be based on the most restrictive filters, supplementary heating coils, and other equipment recommended as optional parts of the unit being in place and the static pressures specified in Table 9 being available for the external duct system.
Indoor air-moving equipment not intended for use on a field-installed duct system shall be tested at zero external static pressure. CSA C746-06 pdf free download.

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