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CSA C866-2017 pdf free download
CSA C866-2017 pdf free download.Performance of LED luminaires.
Note: This Annex is not a mandatory port of this Standard.
A.1 Outdoor LED luminaires at 4000 K and risk factors
In December 2016, the Direction régionale de sante publique (DRSP) of the Centre intégré universitaire de sante et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-Ile-de-Montréal (CIUSS) evaluated the effect of the increased proportion of blue light emitted by outdoor LED luminaires on human health. This DRSP study included a review on the effects of night light on human health and an assessment of human exposure to blue light emitted by LED outdoor luminaires.
This Annex summarizes the relevant findings from this study and provides other reference data in order to provide background information on LED luminaires and blue light content.
Light is one of the main regulators of circadian rhythms. Melatonin, also called sleep hormone, is frequently used as an indicator of circadian rhythm disturbances. Although it is well recognized that melatonin is inhibited when exposed to light, particularly blue light, none of the scientific studies listed in the DSRP study have demonstrated a detrimental effect of melatonin Inhibition on human health. A critical analysis of studies focusing on breast cancer and metabolic syndromes [metabolic syndromes are defined as a grouping of risk factors (obesity, fasting hyperglycemia, etc.) on cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes] does not lead to the conclusion that there is a causal relationship between exposure to blue light at night and the occurrence of adverse health effects.
Calculations from the DRSP study indicate that the installation of 4000 K LED outdoor luminaires will only result in a very small increase in the exposure to blue light compared to the current high pressure sodium (HPS) outdoor lights, since the blue light levels of these two sources are comparable. Furthermore, given that people spend a greater part of their evenings indoors, the exposure to blue light emitted by 4000 K LED outdoor luminaires is much less (at least three times lower) than the exposure to blue light emitted by indoor lights [e.g., incandescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), halogen, LED).
The DRSP study concludes that the link between exposure to blue light from outdoor luminaires at night and adverse effects on human health has not been demonstrated.
However, it should be noted that the design and installation of new outdoor lighting must be done using best lighting design practices to ensure safe outdoor lighting, Issues with glare, intrusive light, lack of lighting, etc., that can occur in some locations should be considered in the design and installation of the luminaires.
Complementing the DRSP study, Figures A.1 to A.5 provide the spectral light distribution of several light sources. As observed in Figure Al, an incandescent light bulb emits in the blue spectrum wavelength.CSA C866-2017 pdf free download.
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