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CSA N286-12 pdf free download

CSA N286-12 pdf free download.Management system reauirements for nuclear facilities.
The suppliers’ proposals shall be reviewed against the purchasing requirements and any exceptions resolved. The contract shall be awarded to the selected supplier.
The selected supplier’s technical documents that are required to be submitted shall be reviewed and accepted.
9.5.6 Supplier-customer relationship
The performance of the supplier-customer relationship shall be monitored to ensure purchasing requirements will be met. The results shall be used as an input in determining the extent and frequency of inspection, verification, and audit activities.
9.5.7 Verification of services
Purchased services shall be verified in accordance with the planned verification.
9.5.8 Receipt and inspection of items
Purchased items shall be inspected or verified to establish that each item is in accordance with the purchasing documents. Inspection or verification may be performed at the supplier’s facilities, upon delivery, or a combination of both.
9.5.9 Segregation and disposition of problem items
Items that do not conform to specified requirements shall be identified as problems and segregated to prevent inadvertent installation or use.
9.5.10 Storage and handling
Storage and handling of items shall be controlled, and shall include
(a) prevention of damage, deterioration, or loss;
(b) in-storage maintenance and inspections of items and storage areas;
(C) special handling of tooling and equipment, when required;
(d) controls to ensure that repaired or returned items are fit for use; and
(e) identification and control of surplus items.
9.6 Construction
The process for constructing structures, systems, and components shall be established and controlled using generally accepted construction and prolect management practices, in accordance with the design documents referenced by Clause 9.3.5 using approved items.
9.7 Commissioning
9.7.1 General
The process for commissioning structures, systems, and components shall be established and controlled to confirm that they meet design requirements prior to placing them in service using generally accepted commissioning and project management practices.CSA N286-12 pdf free download.

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