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CSA N287.2-2017 pdf free download

CSA N287.2-2017 pdf free download.Material requirements for concrete containment structures for nuclear power plants.
Cast-in anchor — a headed or hooked bolt installed before concrete is placed.
Coating system — a protective layer applied on the base substrate, concrete or steel, in a qualified manner to meet the design requirements and to protect the substrate from environmental degradation.
Containment boundary — the containment structure and related components that provide a pressure- retaining barrier to prevent or limit the escape of any radioactive matter released from reactor processes.
Containment components — the metallic and non-metallic portions of the containment boundary that are not parts of the containment structure.
Containment structure — the structural portion of the containment boundary.
Containment system — the arrangement of structure, systems, and components that prevent or limit the escape of radioactive substances when such substances are released from reactor process systems.
Embedded part — a part that is in its final location at the time of concrete placing and is permanently anchored in the concrete structure.
Note: Embedded ports are generally either
a) penetrations that provide openings through the concrete structure for the passage of personnel, material, process piping, ducts, and cables; or
b) non.penetrations that are used primarily as a means of supporting items such as platforms, equipment, and piping in the concrete structure or for the protection of the concrete.
Engineer — a person in the engineering profession who has specific expertise in concrete containment and is licensed by the professional association having jurisdiction.
Note: The engineer can be a designated representative of the operating organizatk.in.
Expansion anchor — a post-installed anchor inserted into hardened Concrete that transfers loads into the concrete by direct bearing or friction, or both.
Note: Expansion anchors are classified under the following two groups:
a) torque-controlled — an expansion anchor that achieves expansion by a torque acting on the screw or bolt; and
b) displacement-controlled — on expansion anchor that achieves expansion by impact forces acting on a sleeve or plug. Expansion is controlled by the length of travel of the sleeve or plug.
Failure load — the load at which failure in static tension or static shear of the anchor element of a tested anchor takes place and can constitute
a) pull-out of the anchor element, with or without the concrete;
b) failure of the concrete; or
c) excessive deformation, which can be either strain or slip.CSA N287.2-2017 pdf free download.

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