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CSA N289.4-12 pdf free download

CSA N289.4-12 pdf free download.Testing procedures for seismic qualification of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components. Validation of dynamic characteristics
Where there are significant uncertainties in either the mathematical models or the dynamic phenomenon (e.g., effects of fluid pressure, non-linearity, etc.), testing shall be used to validate the dynamic parameters that are being used for analysis. Such verification usually includes the determination of natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping values, although response level comparison may also be made.
Note: See Annex C toi more information on modal testing. Testing by subassembly
Testing by subassembly may be applied where the SSC cannot be qualified by testing alone because of its size or complexity, or where a number of components are essentially the same, differing only in mass and in the location of internal components. For the purpose of this Standard, testing by subassembly means the application of analysis to determine the structural response characteristics at locations on a subassembly where components are to be mounted. The components are then seismically qualified by testing to seismic input motions determined by the analysis.
Note: An advantage of this method is that vanations in location and moss of subcomponents within a larger component can be assessed analytically once the analysis model is calibrated by test.
Testing of a multi-cabinet assembly is an example of the application of sub-assembly testing. It is usually impractical to test a multi-cabinet assembly of similar cabinets due to limitations in the size of testing facilities. The qualification of a single cabinet, or a few connected cabinets, may not be extrapolated to qualify a larger number of cabinets connected together in a lineup without adequate justification. This is because
(a) individual cabinets in the array may have different mass loading or mass distribution, or different structural stiffness, or both;
(b) the connected cabinets may exhibit different dynamic response, such as different torsional modes compared to the smaller number originally qualified; and
(C) the response of subcomponents mounted in different locations might be affected.
The approaches specified in Clause 9.3 of IEEE 344-04 may be used in conjunction with this Standard to justify the extrapolation of tests on a single cabinet, or a small number of connected cabinets, to qualify an assembly by analysis. QualifIcation by similarity and interpolation
Different components varying only slightly in size and configuration, but being essentially identical in construction and dynamic behaviour, may be qualified by testing a representative item(s) and interpolating the test results to the remainder by analysis. This method can also be used to qualify an ensemble of a number of similar components by applying test results from an individual component or smaller assemblies of such components. The testing conducted on the typical component shall include determination of detailed dynamic parameters. CSA N289.4-12 pdf free download.

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