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CSA N299.1-2019 pdf free download

CSA N299.1-2019 pdf free download.Quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants, Category 1.
QA program, except for those specific critical items or services identified in the contract for which the customer has already specified a QA program standard or specification, and shall justify and document those which do not. Where such a QA program is required, the supplier shall select the applicable CSA Group Standard, other QA program standard, or specification for those subcontracted items or services in accordance with Annex A, and justify and document each selection.
Note: See Annex A for the methods of selection. The QA program is established pnor to supplier selection. Evaluation and selection of suppliers
Prior to the work starting, the supplier shall select subsuppliers based on their ability to meet specified requirements. This includes
a) unless previously approved, performing an evaluation of the QA manual (or, for Category 4, the QA program description);
b) unless previously approved, performing an audit of the QA program implementation (for CSA N299 Category 1, 2, 3, 4, or equivalent), in accordance with Clause 7.21.2. Evidence of acceptance by a recognized authority to this Standard may be used to fulfill these requirements;
c) in lieu of performing an audit of a Category 4 supplier, evaluation may be conducted by a review of the QA program documentation in conjunction with evidence of registration by a recognized certification body;
d) an evaluation of other required locations, plan(s), and resources;
e) consideration of the subsupplier’s history of providing an identical or similar item or service that meets requirements. The subsupplier’s history shall reflect current capability;
f) where the supplier intends to award all or part of the contract to a subsupplier who will not be implementing the QA program specified in the customer contract for that item or service, and intends to prescribe an alternate QA program for procurement, the supplier shall obtain prior written acceptance of the alternate QA program from the customer;
Note: When the supplier applies its own QA program as the manufacturer, or assumes the contract responsibilities of a manufacturer, the supplier should use the selection process defined in this Clause (and Annex ) to select the subsupplier QA program requirements for items, subassemblies, components, and services used in assembling, manufacturing, or otherwise fulfilling the customer’s item or service requirements. Justification for this determination needs to be documented and maintained. Such QA program assignments do not require the customer’s written acceptance prior to procurement, unless the customer contract includes a specific QA standard for the respective subassemblies, components, and services, Where items and services are not available from suppliers with the selected QA program, dedication is on alternative acceptance method. See Clause 8.
g) confirmation of the validity and scope of subsuppliers’ QA program certificates as specified in Item b); and
h) establishing and maintaining a record of acceptable subsuppliers that includes approval status, address, method of evaluation, and the scope of the approval.
Note: The scope of approval can include restrictions and special instructions identified as a result of the
supplier’s evaluation.CSA N299.1-2019 pdf free download.

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