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CSA N299.2-2019 pdf free download
CSA N299.2-2019 pdf free download.Quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants, Category 2.
7.2.1 Indoctrination
Indoctrination shall be provided to ensure that personnel are aware of their general responsibilities in
the QA program. Personnel performing or managing activities affecting quality shall receive
Indoctrination In their job responsibilities, authority, and safety culture with respect to their roles In the
Q,A program, and in company policies and procedures. The supplier shall communicate to personnel the
Importance of meeting customer requirements and the requirements of the AHi.
7.2.2 Training
Training shall ensure that personnel are aware of their specified responsibilities In the QA program and their job functions, are competent and capable of performing their work, and that their competency Is maintained.
The supplier shall
a) document, implement, and maintain the required training program and ensure effectiveness of the training program;
b) document the process and the methods that will be used, and provide the required training commensurate with the scope, complexity, and importance of the activities;
c) evaluate trainees’ knowledge of the training objectives and requirements of applicable codes. Standards, and specifications; and
d) provide on-the-job training If direct hands-on applications or experience Is needed to achieve and maintain proficiency by confirming trainee performance against expectations.
7.2.3 Qualification The supplier shall
a) develop and document job descriptions or equivalent documents showing the necessary education, prerequisite skills, experience, and proficiency required for those personnel who affect the performance and effectiveness of the QA program;
b) qualify personnel who are developing the training needs analysis, expectations, and programs, and qualify those delivering the training;
c) define and document activities/job functions that require specialized qualifications and competencies (e.g., engineers, cause analysis personnel, CFSI detection personnel, nondestructive examination technicians, welders, software programmers, verification personnel, and auditors), and their minimum qualification and requaliflcatlon requirements;
d) take into consideration the necessary education, experience, and proficiency (skills and abilities) of the activity/job function when determining qualification requirements;
e) qualify personnel to the minimum defined qualification requirements prior to performing the activity/job function;
f) ensure that competencles of personnel are maintained for their roles and responsibilities, taking into account changes in technology, methods, or job responsibilities;CSA N299.2-2019 pdf free download.
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