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CSA S852-2018 pdf free download
CSA S852-2018 pdf free download.Blast-resistant window anchor systems.
to the eccentricity of shear forces relative to the critical anchor section at or near the substrate interface. The mass of the window during the pre-break phase is generally assumed to be the total mass of the window.
Upon failure of glass, the resistance drops and the protective film or interlayer starts dominating response. This is the post-break phase within which the film or interlayer initially behaves elastically, followed by yielding, exhibiting elasto-plastic response. The effect of broken glass pieces on strength and stiffness can be ignored at this stage, though their contribution to mass has to be accounted for. The mass of the window in the post-break phase can be taken as the mass of the protective film or interlayer and any residual glass pieces still bonded to these elements after glass breakage. As displacements increase, the window develops membrane forces under the action of axially stretching of the protective film or interlayer. The window retention anchors during this phase are subjected to a combination of shear, axial tension, and bending moment. For anchor design, it is important to check the anchor capacity against the following two sets of design forces:
a) shear force and bending moment resulting from the pie-break phase; and
b) shear force, axial tension, and bending moment resulting from the post-break phase.
AS Design software BRADS
A.5.1 General
TDOF analysis is often conducted by means of computer software that provides a solution to the equation of motion given above through numerical integration, computing window support reactions, as well as anchor forces and arrangements for anchor design, while accounting for substrate flexibility. It was found through extensive testing of punched windows anchored on different types of substrates (steel, reinforced concrete, block masonry, and stone masonry) using the University of Ottawa Shock Tube, that the substrate flexibility affects window anchor performance (Alameer, Elnabelsy, Jacques, Saatcioglu and Foo 2017, 2018). Rigid steel substrates increase anchor forces and promote shear response, as opposed to the more flexible masonry substrates that deform along with the anchors, reducing anchor forces. An example of TDOF design software, specifically intended for blast-resistant anchor design is highlighted below.
Computer software BRADS (Blast Resistant Anchor Design Software) was developed at the University of Ottawa for conducting TDOF analysis and window anchor design (Jacques 2018, Jacques and Saatcioglu 2017, Saatcioglu and Jacques 2018). The window/substrate assembly in the software is subjected to total blast loads, including the loads applied on the substrate. Substrate geometry and material properties are specified. The user can select one of three pie-defined elastic substrates (concrete, masonry, or steel), or can specify a custom nonlinear mass-spring-damper element for the substrate. The dynamic properties of the window system (such as resistance, mass, and damping) are stored in a database within the software and are specified from a drop-down menu. The software includes dynamic properties for window systems commonly used in the blast-resistant Construction industry.CSA S852-2018 pdf free download.
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