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CSA W204-2019 pdf free download

CSA W204-2019 pdf free download.Flood resilient design of new residential communities.
c) redundancy: relates to the availability of spare capacity or the ability for services to be provided through other parts of a network; and
d) response and recovery: relates to flood planning, preparation, and practice in the field for the response to both specific and more general incidents. Recovery relates to the ease with which operational capacity and services resume.
5.2 General principles
The following general principles In this Standard shall apply:
a) Community design shall comply with federal, provincial, territorial, regional, and local codes, standards, guidelines, and bylaws.
b) Watershed and sub-watershed plans, official land use plans, master drainage plans, and design standards, as applicable, shall
I) guide identification of natural infrastructure and associated floodplain and hydrologic functions;
ii) delineation of floodplains and associated setbacks for development;
iii) design, modeling, sizing, and placement of minor and major systems;
iv) assessment of a balanced cut and fill approach on a reach basis to provide additional developable area;
v) consideration of climate change impacts as they relate to the above; and
vi) stormwater management criteria for water quantity (e.g., flooding, water supply), water quality, erosion, and natural feature management.
c) Residential buildings and structures described in Clause 1.1.2 shall not encroach within the regulatory flood limit or a minimum of 1-in-100-year return period.
d) Roads, bridges, culverts, and flood and erosion controls shall be designed to minimize negative impacts on flood conveyance and the natural infrastructure.
e) Existing and future climate change impacts shall account for the placement, design, modeling, and sizing of the minor and major systems.
f) Minor and major drainage systems shall be designed concurrently to a minimum 1-in-lOG-year major storm design event.
g) Minor drainage systems shall be designed to convey runoff for the 1-ln-2-year to 1-In-1O-year return period flows and more frequent rainfall events.
h) Major drainage systems shall be designed to convey runoff for rainfall events, which exceed the capacity of the minor system and serve up to the major design storm.
i) Storm and sanitary sewer systems shall be fully separated.
j) Sanitary sewers shall be designed to convey extraneous I/I without surcharging.
k) The interactions among the different urban systems, including energy, water services (potable water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer), transportation, information and telecommunications, and emergency services shall be designed to be integrated.CSA W204-2019 pdf free download.

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