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CSA W205-2019 pdf free download

CSA W205-2019 pdf free download.Erosion and sedimentation management for northern community infrastructure.
Emergency response and contingency planning — emergency response planning is the process of preparing systematically for possible future events, including major incidents and disasters.
Note: The emergency response and contingency plan is usually a document, shored between participants and stakeholders that specifies tasks and responsibilities adopted in a multi-agency response to on emergency Contingency planning con include planning for “what if scenarios, as well as providing the materials required to accommodate those scenarios (adapted from Alexander 2015).
Environmental monitor — an individual who observes the environment and the impacts of human and industrial activities, and communicates this Information to various stakeholders (CCHREI 2004).
Note: Environmental monitors are typically from the local community.
Erosion and sedimentation control coordinator (or ESC coordinator) — an individual tasked with the implementation of the erosion and sedimentation control plan. If there is more than one such individual, the ESC coordinator is the one who leads or supervises the implementation work.
Note: See also Qualified erosion and sediment control inspectos
Erosion and sedimentation control plan (ESCP) — drawings and specifications describing erosion and sedimentation control measures to be implemented as part of construction or maintenance operations. Note: The terms “erosion and sedimentation control and “erosion and sedimentation control plan” ore the historical terms used in Canada for measures and plans that are usually Intended to mitigate or reduce the effects of erosion and sedimentation on a site-specific basis. Such measures and plans are often, but not always, intended for short-term use, for example, during construction, It Is recognized that such measures and plans could vary in their efficacy, but they can be incorporated in erosion and sedimentation risk management.
Erosion and sedimentation risk management (ESRM) — an approach to identifying, evaluating and prioritizing risks associated with erosion and sedimentation processes and hazards, followed by implementation of coordinated, economical strategies and measures to reduce, monitor, and respond to those risks. Erosion and sedimentation risk management measures can be structural (e.g., rock armouring, bank protection, scour protection) or non-structural (e.g., revegetation, avoidance, emergency preparedness, monitoring, maintenance protocols, awareness training, and use of regulatory tools).
1) Progressive approaches involve understanding and working with natural processes, recognizing that interventions at one location con lead to problems elsewhere.
2) Appropriate management of erosion and sedimentation risk requires strategic planning on spatial and temporal scales commensurate with the scales of processes driving erosion and sedimentation, often referred to as “systems-based approaches.” Systems-based approaches emphasize a brood view that considers the interconnect Wi’ty between systems (e.g., coastal cells, waterways, watersheds), leading to more effective, sustainable responses to risks associated with natural hazards.
Excess ice — the volume of Ice in the ground which exceeds the total pore volume that the ground would have under natural unfrozen conditions.CSA W205-2019 pdf free download.

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