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CSA W47.1-2009 pdf free download

CSA W47.1-2009 pdf free download.Certification of companies for fusion welding of steel Reprinted July 2014 . This reprint is being issued to incorporate Updates into the original 2009 Standard.
8.2 Qualification process for welding personnel
Welding personnel may be qualified on the basis of any of the following methods:
(a) by successfully meeting the qualification requirements specified in this Standard;
(b) by successfully performing a procedure qualification test in accordance with this Standard. In certain cases the qualification will be limited to that procedure and is only valid while the welder or welding operator remains employed by his/her employer at the time of qualification. This qualification shall be nontransferable. For cases where a procedure qualification test or combination of tests meets or exceeds the requirements for a particular classification, a transferable qualification may be issued; or
(c) by successfully meeting the qualification requirements specified in other recognized national or international standards. The qualification system and test requirements shall be similar to and meet or exceed the requirements of this Standard and be accepted by the Bureau. A qualification record providing evidence satisfactory to the Bureau that previous qualification tests were successfully completed and duly witnessed by a qualified independent third party shall be provided for the qualification to be recognized. In this case, qualification shall include all conditions and limitations on the original qualification including remaining time of validity or the period of effectiveness of the qualification as specified in Clause, whichever is less. The qualification issued by the Bureau shall be nontransferable.
The qualification of welders and welding operators may be carried out, at the discretion of the Bureau, by
contractual arrangement with organizations such as companies, unions, and educational institutions. The
Bureau shall issue documentation reflecting successful qualification obtained through such arrangements
(see also Clause 8.2.4).
A welder or welding operator who does not have a valid transferable or an appropriate nontransferable qualification identification document before being employed on production shall pass the appropriate welder qualification test assemblies for the positions to be welded in production under the direct supervision of the welding supervisor who shall sign and date a declaration that the results are satisfactory to this effect and retain the fully identified specimens for later inspection by the Bureau’s representative. Such a welder or welding operator shall be designated probationary and shall be so reported to the Bureau for official test and in the interim shall be restricted to welding under supervision, in the positions successfully completed.
Welding of the test assemblies shall be carried out in the presence of the Bureau’s representative. CSA W47.1-2009 pdf free download.

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