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CSA W59-18 pdf free download
CSA W59-18 pdf free download.Welded steel construction.
5.3.8 Weld access hole dimensions
All weld access holes required to facilitate welding operations shall have a length (t) from the toe of the weld preparation not less than 1.5 times the thickness of the material in which the hole is made. The height (h) of the access hole shall be adequate for deposition of sound weld metal in the adjacent plates and shall provide clearance for weld back-up materials and tabs for the weld in the material in which the hole is made, but not less than the thickness of the material. In hot-rolled shapes and built-up shapes, all beam copes and weld access holes shall be shaped free of notches or sharp re-entrant corners, except that when fillet web-to-flange welds are used in built-up shapes, access holes may terminate perpendicular to the flange. Fillet welds shall not be returned through weld access holes (see Figure 5.1).
Note: When weld access holes must be closed for cosmetic or corrosion protection reasons, sealing by use of mastic materials is preferable to welding.
5.3.9 Group 4 and 5 shapes
For CSA G40.20 and ASTM A6/A6M Group 4 and 5 shapes and built-up shapes with web material thickness greater than 38 mm (1-1/2 in), the thermally cut surfaces of beam copes and weld access holes shall be ground to bright metal and inspected by either magnetic particle or dye penetrant methods. If the curved transition portion of weld access holes and beam copes are formed by predrilled or sawed holes, that portion of the access hole or cope need not be ground. Weld access holes and beam copes in other shapes need not be ground or dye penetrant or magnetic particle inspected.
5.3.10 Camber
Edges of built-up beam and girder webs may be cut to the prescribed camber with suitable allowance for shrinkage due to cutting and welding. Moderate camber may be applied, or deviations from the specified camber tolerance corrected, by the application of heat in accordance with Clause 5.15 and under the direction of the contractor’s engineer.
5.3.11 Correction of camber
Corrections of errors in camber of quenched and tempered materials, and steels with enhanced low- temperature properties by the application of heat, shall be approved by the engineer.
5.4 Assembly
5.4.1 Fillet weld assembly
The parts to be joined by fillet welds shall be brought into as close a contact as practicable. The separation between parts shall normally not exceed 5 mm (3/16 in) except in cases involving shapes and plates 75 mm (3 in) thick or greater when, after straightening and in assembly, the gap cannot be closed sufficiently to meet this tolerance. In such cases, there may be a maximum gap of 8 mm (5/16 in), provided that a sealing weld or suitable backing material is used to prevent melt-through.CSA W59-18 pdf free download.
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