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CSA W59.2-2018 pdf free download

CSA W59.2-2018 pdf free download.Welded aluminum construction.
The acceptance criteria and the repair of edge discontinuates shall follow Table 5.3, in which the length of the discontinuity is the visible long dimension on the cut edge and the depth is the distance that the discontinuity Is determined to extend into the plate from the cut edge.
For each discontinuity of length greater than 25 mm (1 In) found before welding by visual examination of the cut edge, or found by radiographic or ultrasonic examinahon during the examination of welded joints, and determined to exceed 25 mm (1 in) depth, the following procedures shall be followed
a) Where discontinuities, such as W, X, or V in Table 5.3, are found prior to completing the joint, the size, shape, and location of the discontinuity shall be determined by ultrasonic inspection.
b) For acceptance, the area of the discontinuity or the aggregate area of multiple discontinuities shall not exceed 4% of the plate area with the following exception: If the length of the discontinuity, or the aggregate length of discontinuities on any transverse section, as measured perpendicular to the plate length, exceeds 20% of the plate width, the 4% allowance shall be reduced by the percentage amount of the length exceeding 20%. (For example, if the length of a discontinuity is 30% of the plate width, the area of discontinuity cannot exceed 3.6% of the plate area.) The discontinuity on the cut edge of the plate shall be gouged out to a depth of 25 mm (1 en) beyond its intersection with the surface by chipping or gouging, and the gouged metal replaced by welding In layers not exceeding 3 mm (8 in) In thickness.
For ldc.0.2W, ADc.O.O4AP
For ld>O.2W, AD<.O.O4AP (1- (ld.O.2W) / W)
AD • acceptable area of discontinuity (or acceptable aggregate area of multiple discontinu.ties)
AP • plate area (plate length x width)
Id length of discontinuity (or aggregate length of discontinuities on any transverse section, as measured perpendicular to the plate length)
c) If a discontinuity, Z, not exceeding the allowable area in Item b) is found after welding and is determined to be 25 mm (1 In) beyond the weld, no repair of this discontinuity will be required. If the discontinuity 2 is less than 25 mm (1 in) from the weld, it shall be gouged out to a distance of 25 mm (1 in) from the weld fusion zone by chipping or gouging. The groove shall then be filled by welding in layers not exceeding 3 mm (1/8 in) in thickness. Repair by welding shall be subject to the same NDT requirement as other groove welds.
d) If the area of discontinuity W, X. V. or Z exceeds that allowed In Item b), the plate or component shall be rejected and replaced, or repaired at the discretion of the engineer.CSA W59.2-2018 pdf free download.

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