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CSA Z1004-2012 pdf free download

CSA Z1004-2012 pdf free download.Workplace ergonomics-A management and implementation Standard.
(c) allow for workers’ postural stability and mobility;
(d) consider body dimensions, posture, muscular strength, and movement; and
(e) consider both the cognitive and physical demands related to equipment and the interface design.
7.3.4 Procurement
The organization shall establish a process to evaluate products, supplies, equipment, tools, furniture, and raw materials to be procured in order to identify and eliminate potential hazards or to control risk before they are brought into the workplace and to prevent injuries, enhance worker health, safety, and well-being, and optimize system performance.
The organization shall
(a) develop ergonomics specifications to be used during procurement that take physical, cognitive, and work organization demands into consideration;
(b) include a user-centred approach in the development of procurement specifications;
(c) ensure that procured goods conform to established specifications and that suppliers are made aware of these specifications when required; and
(d) include worker participation in the development of specifications and in the evaluation of procured goods, as appropriate.
7.3.5 Installation and training
During the installation and training stage, installation of new workspaces, equipment, machinery, or work processes takes place and training on safe and effective use is provided.
During installation, the predicted interactions between people (the installers and the users) and the components of the work affected by the installation shall be documented in order to identify and eliminate hazards wherever possible, or assess and control risks.
Trials to verify design specifications shall be performed prior to final permanent installation of new work components.
Workers shall be trained in the safe and effective use of new workspaces, tools, equipment, machinery, or work processes and procedures. Workers shall be informed of the importance of compliance with applicable procedures and legal requirements and of the potential consequences of non-compliance.
7.3.6 Operation and maintenance
During the operation and maintenance stage, the interactions between people and the components of their work shall be monitored regularly and documented to enhance worker health and well-being and optimize system performance.
The Application of Ergonomics shall take place in the operation of existing and newly designed work systems to ensure that hazards are identified and eliminated and risks are assessed and controlled.
The Application of Ergonomics shall take into consideration physical, cognitive, and work organizational
demands. It shall include a review of
(a) objectives and targets for a work system;
(b) workplace inspections;
(c) incident and accident investigations; and
(d) analyses of incident and injury reports.CSA Z1004-2012 pdf free download.

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