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CSA Z259.10-2018 pdf free download

CSA Z259.10-2018 pdf free download.Full body harnesses.
c) Flip the dorsal connector about its attachment point so that the dorsal connector is directed towards the crotch. Ensure that the position of the dorsal connector attachment point remains as specified in Item b);
d) Attach the ends of the test lanyard to the dorsal connector on the full body harness and the drop test structure;
e) Lower the test mass to an elevation where the test lanyard is straight but is not placing a load on the dorsal connector. Ensure that the position of the dorsal connector attachment point remains as specified in Item b);
f) Raise the test mass 1.0 m (3.3 ft), or to a height specified by the manufacturer which will impart a maximum arrest force of at least 16 kN (3600 lbf), whichever height is lower;
Note: Some full body harness materials and constructions which ore rigid in nature generate excessively high
arrest forces when tested at 1.0 m (3.3 ft) of free.foli.
g) Release the test mass. Full body harnesses which meet the requirements of Clause 5.2.2 shall be considered passing. Record free-fall distance, the vertical distance from the lowest point on the test torso to the floor, distance “HF”. When the free fall distance is less than 1 m, the maximum arrest force shall be recorded;
h) If the full body harness fails with a maximum arrest force above 17.8 kN (4000 lbf), another new sample shall be tested in place of the failed unit at an adjusted free-fall distance submitted by the manufacturer to impart a maximum arrest force of at least 16 kN (3600 Ibf);
I) Raise the test mass to the height specified in Item h), where applicable;
j) Release the test mass; and
k) Measure and record the maximum arrest force and the free-fall distance. Class D dynamic drop test procedure
The test for Class 0 dynamic drop shall be as follows:
a) Attach the hoisting means to the neck of the test mass and raise the test mass;
b) Attach the ends of the test lanyard or test yoke, as applicable, to the single connector or pair of connectors required for Class D on the full body harness and the drop test structure;
c) Lower the test mass to an elevation where the test lanyard or test yoke is straight but is not placing a load on the connector(s);
d) Raise the test mass 1.0 m (3.3 ft), or to a height specified by the manufacturer which will impart a maximum arrest force of at least 16 kN (3600 lbf), whichever height is lower;
Note: Some full body harness materials and constructions which ore rigid in nature generate excessively high
arrest forces when tested at 1.0 m (3.3 ft) of free-foil.
e) Release the test mass. Full body harnesses which meet the requirements of Clause 5.2.3 shall be considered passing. Record free-fall distance, the vertical distance from the lowest point on the test torso to the floor, distance “HF”. When the free fall distance is less than 1 m, the maximum arrest force shall be recorded;CSA Z259.10-2018 pdf free download.

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