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CSA Z271-2020 pdf free download

CSA Z271-2020 pdf free download.Design of suspended access equipmentDesign of suspended access equipment.
9.5 Platform restraint
9.5.1 Suspension height over 45 m General
The exterior face of a building or structure shall have a positive means of restraining the platform to the building or structure when the suspension height exceeds 45 m. The restraint method shall be by continuous or intermittent engagement, in accordance with Clause or Each restraint device shall be capable of resisting the greater of
a) the applicable wind load (see Clause 5.5.3); or
b) a load of 0.70 kN to which load factors are applied in accordance with Clause 5.6.
Note: On a building or structure where the restraint system is also required to facilitate horizontal repositioning of the platform, the lateral design load will be greater than indicated in this Clause. Continuous engagement
The building or structure shall be provided with tracks, guides, or other means to provide continuous engagement of the platform with the building or structure while permitting hoisting. Where the exterior building or structure design precludes the installation of continuous engagement provisions at the uppermost elevation of the building or structure, these provisions may be eliminated for not more than 15 m of the uppermost elevation.
Stabilization guide shall be installable at any rigging point. In case of an emergency, the platform shall be able to disengage.
Where guide tracks are used, the alignment shall be controlled such that the mlsaignment at track joints does not exceed 7% of the track dimension.
The guide tracks shall be a single-piece profile. Split guide tracks shall not be used. Intermittent engagement
The building or structure shall be provided with intermittent stabilization by means of equipment tie-in devices located not more than
a) 15 m apart in the vertical direction where roof-launched platforms will be used as the primary means of access; and
b) 5.0 m apart in the vertical direction where ground-launched platforms will be used as the primary means of access.
Note: Intermittent engagement systems are typically designed to be used during descent of a roof-rigged platform; however, it is not the intent of this Clause to prevent the operation of temporary platforms without the use of intermittent engagement during rigging and de-rigging.CSA Z271-2020 pdf free download.

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