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CSA Z412-00 pdf free download
CSA Z412-00 pdf free download.Guideline on office Ergonomics.
those who are involved in and affected by office design are considered in the design process. For example, involving purchasers and facilities personnel is useful when making decisions about the process for buying equipment and furniture. If they are involved in a process in which workers share their concerns about equipment and furniture, and the employer shares information about budget allocations, better choices can be made.
Identify all those parties or individuals in the office who might be affected by the ergonomics intervention and consider how they should be involved. This will vary depending upon the size and structure of your organization. A small business will likely only convene a few employees, while a larger corporation may have several departments to involve. (Two case studies are included in Appendix A. One case study involves a small business and illustrates a simplified approach to the steps outlined in this guideline. It also provides an example of who might be involved in office ergonomics in a small business. The second case study involves a large corporation with many departments. This case study illustrates the need for a large degree of organizational involvement and a more detailed step-by-step process.)
Groups that may be important to include, depending upon your organization, are various levels of management, facility design, physical plant or maintenance, purchasing, information technology or information systems, occupational safety and health (including ergonomics, it available), human resources, the health and safety committee, and the workers themselves.
Who to involve will also depend on what type of project is being undertaken. The design and procurement of a new office and all its furniture and equipment contents will require a different level of involvement than a project of purchasing new chairs or developing new computer technology. The reason for or goal of the project is also important and will affect the choice of whom to involve. For example, the project may be the modification of workstations in an area because of a history of musculoskeletal injuries among the workers. In this case, it will be important to involve the workers themselves, as well as occupational health and safety and the health and safety committee. If the reason for new technology is to upgrade computer systems, information technology or systems will have a large role to play.
All parties or individuals will need clear statements of their roles and responsibilities. Parties and individuals may act as contributors, supporters, sponsors, and/or participants in the ergonomics efforts. Their role may be technical, as in facilities design or purchasing, or financial, as in senior management. Table 3 lists the various parties or individuals who may be involved. It outlines their possible focus and various suggested roles and responsibilities in office design.CSA Z412-00 pdf free download.
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