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CSA Z5200-2017 pdf free download

CSA Z5200-2017 pdf free download.Celulose nanomaterials-BIank detail specification.
Source: ISO TS 80004-1, 2.5
Nanoscale — length range approximately from 1 nm to 100 nm.
Note: Properties that are not extrapolations from larger sizes are predominantly exhibited in this length range.
Source: ISO TS 80004-1, 2.1
Nanostructure — composition of inter-related constituent parts in which one or more of those parts is a
nanoscale region.
Note: A region is defined by a boundary representing a discontinuity in properties.
Source: ISO TS 80004-1, 2.6
Nanostructured material — material having internal nanostructure or surface nanostructure.
Note: This definition does not exclude the possibility for a nano-object to have internal structure or surface
structure. If external dimension(s) are in the nonoscale, the term “nono-object” is recommended.
Source: ISO TS 80004-1, 2.7
Paracrystalline — structure in the intermediate state between crystalline and amorphous, having short and medium range ordered lattice structure but lacking long range order in at least one direction. Source: ISO OTS 20477
4 General
4.1 Blank detail specification
A blank detail specification provides a template that lists material properties and characteristics potentially critical to the quality of the end product. The specification includes information regarding the preferred measurement method for each of the specified material properties and characteristics. The blank detail specification does not specify numerical values for the material properties and characteristics.
This Standard includes blank detail specification for cellulose nanomaterials, including non-mandatory guidance as to significance of listed properties and characteristics. See Tables 1, 2, and 3.
4.2 Detail specification
Applicable material properties and characteristics in a blank detail specification can be selected and developed into a detail specification. A detail specification populates the blank detail for specific properties and characteristics applicable for a material’s use in a specific commercial product. It specifies numerical values for the material properties and characteristics critical to quality of the end product. See Clause 5.2 for further guidance.CSA Z5200-2017 pdf free download.

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