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CSA Z62.3-11 pdf free download

CSA Z62.3-11 pdf free download.Chain saw kickback.
The chain brake actuation test shall be conducted to determine kickback machine rotary energy with operating chain brake actuator and operating chain brake. The kickback test shall be conducted in accordance with Clause 5.5, with the actuator and chain brake operating. The data shall be recorded.
The actuator shall be reset and the test shall be repeated for a total of three impacts. When the rotary
energy values do not fall within 10% of the average, three additional impacts shall be performed and the
average of all six values shall be used. When the chain brake actuates on each impact, R3 (see
Clause 5.7.5) shall equal the average of the rotary values. When the chain brake does not actuate on each impact, the kickback angle shall be computed using values calculated in accordance with Clause 5.6. Note: When the broke actuates but does nor trip the lever, the fact that the lever did not trip should be noted, and the calculations and test should continue as though the lever did trip.
The kickback test to determine R2 rotary energy (see Clause 5.7.5) shall be conducted with the chain brake actuator operating but with the chain brake inoperative. By a suitable means, e.g., taping or wiring the chain brake handle to the chain saw handle, the chain brake shall be disabled so that It will not actuate on impact. The kickback test shall be conducted in accordance with Clause 5.5, with the actuator operating and the chain brake inoperative. The data shall be recorded.
The actuator shall be reset and the test shall be repeated for a total of three impacts. When the rotary
energy values do not fall within 10% of the average, three additional impacts shall be performed and the
average of all six values shall be used. R2 shall equal the average of the rotary energy values.
Ri (see Clause 5.7.5) shall be the peak rotary energy determined in accordance with Clause 5.5, i.e., the average of the rotary energy values at the conditions that produced the highest average rotary energy during the test sequence. The test program specified in Clause 5.5 shall be conducted without the actuator and with the chain brake inoperative. The energy absorbed by the chain brake actuator, EA, shall be calculated as follows, in accordance with Clause 5.7.5:
EA = Ri — R2
The rotary energy shall be calculated as follows with the chain brake actuated. This value, R4, shall be the energy value that is inputted into the computer kickback program:
R4 = R3 + £4
5.7.3 Chain brake actuation angle procedure
The angles shall be measured where the bar tip exits the MDF specimen under peak rotary conditions (as determined in accordance with Clause 5.5) and the average computed. This shall be the MDF specimen exit angle. See Figure 9.CSA Z62.3-11 pdf free download.

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