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CSA Z800-2018 pdf free download
CSA Z800-2018 pdf free download.Guideline on basement flood protection and risk reduction.
A holistic approach should be utilized when determining the suitability of protective measures including a backup sump system. If it Is determined that an additional backup sump system is needed to achieve the level of risk reduction desired/required, the AHJ should be consulted on approved devices, requirements, and additional guidance such as bylaw compliance. Any hydraulic motor, elevator, or other type of appliance that operates, in whole or in part, by using the pressure or flow of the potable water distribution network as a source of energy is not to be permitted. These type of devices are classed as a severe hazard and are therefore not permitted under this Guideline as they pose an unnecessary threat to the municipal drinking water system and could prevent the potable water from meeting the requirements of the prescribed drinking water standards. If the potable water does not meet the requirements of prescribed drinking water standards, it is considered “non-potable water — severe hazard.” Additional information is available in Annex D.
In addition, the following considerations apply to sump pump systems:
a) Sump systems may be applied to discharge of foundation drainage.
b) Sump pits and pumps may be located either in the interior or exterior of the building. Unless it is not practically or structurally feasible, sump pumps should be located in the interior of the building to avoid the extra maintenance requirements and potential complications that can arise from freezing issues.
Note: Sump pits, pumps and pump backup systymes should remain accessible for routine maintenance and inspection.
c) Sump systems, including discharge pipes, should be protected from freezing and frost.
d) Sump pumps should adhere to provisions set out by the AHJ and should comply with appropriate standards, including CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 108 and CAN/CSA-E60335-2-41.
e) Sump pit covers
i) should be designed to remain closed and in place in the event of a flood;
ii) should be designed to withstand bodyweight loads (to limit the possibility of injury) and to reduce risk of unauthorized entry; and
iii) should be sealed or sealable, and screwed down, locked, or fastened in a manner acceptable to the AHJ to prevent unauthorized entry.
f) The dedicated electrical receptacle for sump pumps should be in accordance with the requirements of the AHJ.
g) Sump systems should be provided with adequate backup commensurate with the homeowner’s
risk tolerance and/or recommendations of the AHJ. Backup power systems may include
i) battery backup power;
ii) alternative backup pumps, as approved by the AHJ; and
iii) a backup generator installed on the exterior of the building.
h) A secondary pump that will engage in the event of failure of the primary pump, with a float set to engage the pump at a higher water level in the sump pit, should be provided. Where it is not practical to fit a secondary pump, overflow should be directed to the floor drain, if approved by the AHJ. Sump pump failure alarms should be incorporated into sump systems.CSA Z800-2018 pdf free download.
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