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CSA Z8000-2018 pdf free download

CSA Z8000-2018 pdf free download.Canadian health care facilities.
The entire HCF should not be planned to address the highest level of patient acuity and treatment risk for any one individual program component, but each program component should be established by the IDT according to their specific needs assessment (See Clause This includes new as well as renovation projects.
If the project involves a renovation or addition to an existing HCF, each service or component in the HCF shall be assessed for functionality (i.e., its ability to fulfill its intended purpose in terms of location, organization and rooms, and general functionality). The master program shall report the functional deficiencies and planning shall incorporate strategies to eliminate the deficiencies identified in these assessments. In addition, the existing facility shall be assessed to ensure it can support the emergency planning and business continuity plans of the HCF, both during construction and after completion of the project. A carefully formulated construction staging/phasing strategy shall form part of the implementation strategy. The implementation strategy shall include all provisions necessary in the planning and design to ensure that all services/operations will be maintained throughout the construction and shall safely continue to meet the ongoing health care needs of the catchment area. Technology and communications systems
The existing technology and communications infrastructure and application environment shall be assessed to ensure that they can support the future needs of the HCF. A gap analysis between the current state and minimal future state that allows for flexibility should be completed, including wired and wireless network, locating services, nurse call system, voice, security, paging, and patient engagement applications.
5.1.4 Project staging and phasing
The HCF shall identify the total needs of the facility as part of the master planning process. All short, medium, and longer-term planning shall occur in the context of the master plan/broader vision of how the facilities will evolve as they adapt and change to meet the health care needs of the community.
Planning shall include a strategy for how the required short, medium, and longer-term facility changes will be implemented. This process shall consider how to ensure the continued operation of the facility, as well as the safety of patients, families, and staff, as physical changes are made.
Note: To achieve the desired final state, redevelopment could need to be phased; that is, the scope of the required redevelopment of an existing facility could exceed the HCF’s ability to implement the work as a single project. When redevelopment occurs over a series of distinct projects (potentially separated by years of ongoing operations), the redevelopment is considered as a phosed” redevelopment.CSA Z8000-2018 pdf free download.

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