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CSA Z98-2019 pdf free download

CSA Z98-2019 pdf free download.Passenger ropeways and passenger conveyors.
The haul rope grip, connection, and critical parts of the carrier for above-surface ropeways shall, at the time of manufacture, be non-destructively tested using a method commensurate with the design and materials to ensure that they are free from flaws and cracks. Certificates to this effect specifying the serial numbers of the items tested, the tests carried out, the conclusions of the tests, and the installation on which the components are to be used shall be provided by the manufacturer,
For above-surface ropeways where the carriers pass around the drive and return sheaves, the designer and/or manufacturer shall provide calculations and/or testing that prove the carriers can pass around the drive and return sheaves without yielding. The calculations and/or testing shall require that the a) test load be twice the design load;
b) test sheave has the same or a smaller diameter than the design sheave;
c) test rope speed be the maximum design speed or greater;
d) rim of the test sheave has the same design and fabrication as the design sheave; and
e) the test carrier has the same design and fabrication as the design carrier.
For above-surface circulating passenger ropeways with detachable grips, the manufacturer shall verify by testing that the grip has adequate resistance to being plucked from the rope. The test shall require that the force necessary to pluck or pry the grip from the rope is not less than the maximum design weight of a loaded carrier.
The test shall be representative of the subject passenger ropeway, taking into account allowable grip wear and rope tolerances. Certificates to this effect describing the tests carried out and the results of the tests shall be provided by the manufacturer.
4.28.6 Maximum load
The designer shall specify the maximum load that can be carried on any carrier in the uphill and downhill directions.
4.28.7 Identification
Each carrier hanger for above-surface ropeways shall be marked permanently with a serial number at the time of manufacture.
4.28.8 Sway dampers
When used, sway dampers shall operate smoothly and without danger of deropement of the carriage or the haul rope or of prying the rope grip from the haul rope.CSA Z98-2019 pdf free download.

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