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IEC 61000-4-11-2020 pdf free download
IEC 61000-4-11-2020 pdf free download.Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-11: Testing and measurement techniques — Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with input current up to 16 A per phase.
NOTE The 100 resistive load used to test the generator should not have additional induct iv I ty.
NOTE 2 To test equipment which regenerates energy, an external resistor connected in parallel to the load can be added. The test result imi6t should not be influenced by this load.
6.1.3 Verification of the characteristics of the voltage dips, short interruptions generators
In order to compare the test results obtained from different test generators, the generator characteristics shall be verified according to the following:
• the 100 %, 80 %, 70 % and 40 % RMS output voltages of the generator shall conform to the percentages of the selected operating voltage: 230 V1 120 V1 etc.:
• the 100 %, 80 %, 70 % and 40 % RMS output voltages of the generator shall be measured at no load, and shall be maintained within a specified percentage of the U-J.;
• load regulation shall be verified at nominal load current at each of the output voltages and the variation shall not exceed 5 % of the nominal power supply voltage at 100 %, 80 %, 70 % and 40 % of the nominal power supply voltage.
For output voltage of 80 % of the nominal value, the above requirements need only be verified for a maximum of 5 s duration.
For output voltages of 70 % and 40 % of the nominal value, the above requirements need only be verified for a maximum of 3 s duration.
For output voltages of 40% of the nominal value it is acceptable to verify the load regulation requirements either at 200 V to 240 V nominal voltage or at 100 V to 120 V nominal voltage..
If it is necessary to verify the peak inrush drive current capability, the generator shall be switched from 0 % to 100 % of full output, when driving a load consisting of a suitable rectifier with an uncharged capacitor whose value is 1 700 .jF on the DC side. The test shall be carried out at phase angles of both 90° and 2700. The circuit required to measure the generator inrush current drive capability is given in Figure A.1.
When it is believed that a generator with less than the specified standard generator peak inrush current may can be used because the EUT may can draw less than the specified standard generator peak inrush current (e.g., 500 A for 220 V to 240 V mains), this shall first be confirmed by measuring the EUT peak inrush current. When power is applied from the test generator, the measured EUT peak inrush current shall be less than 70 % of the peak current drive capability of the generator, as already verified according to Annex A. The actual EUT inrush current shall be measured both from a cold start and after a 5 s turn-off, using the procedure of Clause A.3.
Generator switching characteristics shall be measured with a 100 load of suitable power- dissipation rating.
NOTE The 100 c resistive load used to test the generator should not have additional inductivity.
Rise and fall time, as well as overshoot and undershoot, shall be verified for switching at both 90° and 270°, from 0 % to 100 %, 100 % to 80 %, 100 % to 70 %, 100 % to 40 %, and 100 % to0%.
Phase angle accuracy shall be verified for switching from 0 % to 100 % and 100 % to 0 %, at nine phase angles from 0° to 360° in 450 increments. It shall also be verified for switching from 100%to8O%and80%to 100%, 100%to7O%and70%tolOO%,aswellasfrom 100 % to 40 % and 40 % to 100 %, at 90° and 180°.IEC 61000-4-11-2020 pdf free download.
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