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IEC 61753-1-2020 pdf free download

IEC 61753-1-2020 pdf free download.Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Performance
standard Part 1 : General and guidance.
4 Abbreviations
field mountable connector
fibre management
ODFM optical distribution frame module
5 Preparation of a performance standard
5.1 Performance standard title
The performance standard title shall be clear . This information shall include
the product description
the appropriate performance category , and
any other variant or differentiation information to distinguish it from other performance
5.2 Tests
The tests to be carried out on the product in order for it to meet the performance standard
shall be clearly defined including those which are product specific . No ambiguity or options
shall be allowed
The selected tests combined with the severities / durations , groupings / sequencing , method
used and pass / fail criteria shall be indicative of a defined operating service environment
The test method to be used shall be clearly defined for each test . Wherever possible , the test
method shall be selected from the EC 61300 ( all parts ) , but where this is not possible other
test methods may be defined . If an undefined test method is used , the test method and details
be specified shall be included in the appropriate annex of the performance standard
Performance standards may call up additional tests that may be needed to fully characterise a
particular connector or component .
5.3 Details
The details to be considered ( severities and durations ) shall be given for all tests and
measurements defined in a performance standard . They shall be directly related to the
performance requirements defined by the operating service environment . No ambiguity or
options are allowed
5.4 Requirements
The performance requirements that shall be satisfied in order for the product to comply with
the performance standard shall be specified for each test and / or measurement . N
ambiguities are allowed
5.5 Sample size
The sample size for each test shall be defined in the appropriate annex of the performance
standard . No deviations are allowed
5.6 Sample definition
The sample to be tested shall be defined in the relevant performance standard.IEC 61753-1-2020 pdf free download.

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