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IEC 61851-25-2020 pdf free download
IEC 61851-25-2020 pdf free download.Electric vehicle conductive charging system Part 25 : DC EV supply equipment where protection relies on electrical separation
Systeme de charge par conduction pour vehicules electriques Partie 25 : Systeme alimentation en courant continu pour vehicules electriques dont la protection s’appuie sur la separation electrique.
Level, timing and tolerance of DC output current and DC output voltage
BB.1 General
The DC EV supply equipment supplies DC output current to the EV in response to the data received from the EV provided the energy transfer requirements of Clause 6 are met. The EV acts as the master and the DC EV supply equipment, as the slave.
NOTE I The EV limits the requested DC output current parameter to a lower level in order to reduce the DC output voltage to the DC output voltage target parameter set by the vehicle. As an option it is possible to indicate to the DC EV supply equipment that the DC EV supply equipment automatically limit the DC output voltage below the DC output voltage target parameter by reducing the DC output current.
NOTE 2 EVs are equipped with propulsion batteries with various technologies and voltages. The current and voltage supplied by the DC EV supply equipment are managed by the EV in order to ensure the proper energy transfer to lit with different types of on-board energy storage systems. This is done by the EV which manages the energy transfer process
Under normal energy transfer conditions, the DC EV supply equipment shall supply a DC output current that is equal to the requested DC output current parameter from the EV if the DC output voltage measured by the DC EV supply equipment is less than the DC output voltage limit parameter and the DC output voltage target parameter indicated by the EV.
BB.2 DC output current regulation
The variation of the DC output current of the DC EV supply equipment from the required value (DC output current target) sent by the EV in steady state operation shall be less than or equal to that indicated in Table BB.1 and in Figure BB.2, unless:
a) the requested DC output current parameter exceeds the rated DC output current of the DC EV supply equipment;IEC 61851-25-2020 pdf free download.
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