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IEC 62435-7-2020 pdf free download

IEC 62435-7-2020 pdf free download.Electronic components — Long-term storage of electronic semiconductor devices — Part 7: Micro-electromechanical devices
Composants électroniques — Stockage de longue durée des dispositifs électroniques a semiconducteurs — Partie 7: Dispositifs microélectromécaniques.
4.6 Inventory check
Inventory checking may be accomplished by either passive or active means depending upon business needs and terms of the obligation. Passive inventory checks are advantageous to ensure proper accounting and minimal added handling.
Added handling, in the case of active checking, introduces additional risk to parts by unintended exposure or damage. Examples of unintended damage include: damage to moisture barrier bags resulting in a leak detected at a later time as well as electrostatic discharge which may be detected at system integration at a later time. A special case of inventory check may be necessary when a new test program or manufacturing issue is detected and found to affect stored inventory. The supplier may determine to manage the process proactively as an issue is uncovered or passively, prior to shipment to the customer. It is the responsibility of the supplier or distributor to manage the inventory to the performance specification sheet and the terms and conditions of the business agreement.
Added handling during an active inventory check and re-assessment is a practice that should be properly planned and executed to prevent handling damage, electrostatic discharge and violation of ambient moisture exposures.
4.7 Inventory dry packing refreshing
A new dry packaging operation may be required after an active inspection of inventory. Refreshing of the desiccant and moisture humidity indicator card should be controlled within a small time interval taking care to limit moisture or other exposures. Modification of the dry pack procedure should consider the special requirements and sensitivity of the MEMS devices to pressure and particulate contamination. A refresh may be necessary if the desiccant used for storage is insufficient in quantity or if moisture has leaked into a rated moisture barrier bag. Similarly, it may be required to refresh with a new humidity indicator card when the storage duration is beyond the demonstrated life or capability of the card to detect moisture exposure.IEC 62435-7-2020 pdf free download.

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