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IEC 62541-13-2020 pdf free download

IEC 62541-13-2020 pdf free download.OPC Unified Architecture — Part 13: Aggregates Architecture unifiée OPC — Partie 13: Agrégats.
• The interval that overlaps the beginning of the history collection. If the start time is 1:00:00 and end time is 1:10:00 and the interval is 2 minutes then the first interval would have a partial bit set since it has no data for the first 70 seconds. The Partial bit will always be set for the first interval with data if the start time of the interval is before the first data value of the data collection. For intervals prior to the interval with a partial bit, these intervals will be flagged Bad_NoData.
• The interval that overlaps the latest point stored in the history collection. The last point in the collection is 1:31 :20 and the historian was not shut down and is still running. A 6-minute interval that started at 1:30:00 would have the Partial bit set because the historian is expecting data, but just has not yet received anything. The Partial bit will always be set for the last interval with data if the end time of the interval is after the last data value stored in the data collection. Intervals entirely after the interval with a Partial bit will be flagged Bad NoData. For those Aggregates with extrapolation, the Partial bit may be set. See the Aggregate specific characteristics for more details.
• If the start/end time does not result in an even interval and there is additional data beyond the end time then the last interval will have a Partial bit. If the start time is 1:00:00 and end time is 1:20:00 and the interval is 6 minutes then the last interval is just 2 minutes long and will have the partial bit set. Extrapolation does not apply in this case.
The Partial bit may be set with the Calculated bit when the Calculated bit is always set for the specific Aggregate.
5.4 Aggregate details
5.4.1 General
The purpose of Subclause 5.4 is to detail the requirements and behaviour for OPC UA Servers supporting Aggregates. The intent is to standardize the Aggregates so users can reliably predict the results of an Aggregate computation and understand its meaning. If users require custom functionality in the Aggregates, those Aggregates should be written as custom vendor defined Aggregates.IEC 62541-13-2020 pdf free download.

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