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IEC 62932-1-2020 pdf free download

IEC 62932-1-2020 pdf free download.Flow battery energy systems for stationary applications — Part 1: Terminology and general aspects.
battery support system
auxiliary units, such as heat exchanger, ventilation system, safety system, and inert gas system, used in an FBES, and which are not stacks, or part of the fluid circulation system, power conversion system, or battery management system
Note 1 to entry: The battery support system is controlled by the battery management system.
<of a battery> operation during which a secondary cell or battery is supplied with electric energy from an external circuit which results in chemical changes within the cell and thus the storage of energy as chemical energy
Note 1 to entry: A charge operation is defined by its maximum voltage, current, duration and other conditions as specified by the manufacturer.
[SOURCE: JEC 60050-482:2004, 482-05-27, modified — term “charging of a battery” separated into “charge” and “charging” with “of a battery” as the domain, and addition of the note.J
cold standby
standby state requiring warm up before a demand to operate can be met
Note 1 to entry: A cold standby state may apply to redundant or stand-alone items.
Note 2 to entry: In this context “warm up” includes meeting any conditions required to operate as required (e.g. achieving the required temperature, speed, pressure).
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-192:2015, 192-02-11, modified — “state” omitted from the term, and the domain, “of an item”, deleted.]
<of a battery> operation during which a secondary battery supplies electric energy to an external circuit which results in chemical changes within the cell and the release of energy as electrical energy
Note 1 to entry: A discharge operation is defined by its maximum voltage, current, duration and other conditions as specified by the manufacturer.
emergency shutdown
rapid regulated shutdown of the flow battery energy system triggered by a protection system or by manual intervention
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-415:1999, 415-01-11. modified — the word “regulated” added, and “wind turbine” replaced by “flow battery energy system”.]
emergency stop
function which is intended to avert arising or reduce existing hazards to persons, damage to machinery or to work in progress and be initiated by a single action
[SOURCE: ISO 13850:2015, 3.1, modified — “(E-Stop)” omitted from the term, second preferred term “emergency stop function” omitted, layout modified.]IEC 62932-1-2020 pdf free download.

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