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IEEE 754-2019 pdf free download

IEEE 754-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic.
5.12.1 External character sequences representing zeros, infinities, and NaNs
The conversions (described in 5.4.2) from supported formats to external character sequences and back that recover the original floating-point representation, shall recover zeros, infinities, and quiet NaNs, as well as non-zero finite numbers. In particular, signs of zeros and infinities are preserved.
Conversion of an infinity in a supported format to an external character sequence shall produce a language- defined one of”inf’ or ‘Infinity” or a sequence that is equivalent except for case (e.g., Infinity” or INF”), with a preceding minus sign if the input is negative. Whether the conversion produces a preceding plus sign if the input is positive is language-defined.
Conversion of external character sequences “ml” and ‘infinity” (regardless of case) with an optional preceding sign, to a supported floating-point format shall produce an infinity (with the same sign as the input).
Conversion of a quiet NaN in a supported format to an external character sequence shall produce a
language-defined one of Than” or a sequence that is equivalent except for case (e.g., “NaN”), with an
optional preceding sign. (This standard does not interpret the sign of a NaN.)
Conversion of a signaling NaN in a supported format to an external character sequence should produce a language-defined one of”snan” or Than” or a sequence that is equivalent except for case, with an optional preceding sign. If the conversion of a signaling NaN produces Than” or a sequence that is equivalent except for case, with an optional preceding sign, then the invalid operation exception should be signaled.
Conversion of external character sequences “nan” (regardless of case) with an optional preceding sign, to a supported floating-point format shall produce a quiet NaN.
Conversion of an external character sequence “snan” (regardless of case) with an optional preceding sign, to a supported format should either produce a signaling NaN or else produce a quiet NaN and signal the invalid operation exception.
Language standards should provide an optional conversion of NaNs in a supported format to external character sequences which appends to the basic NaN character sequences a suffix that can represent the payload (see 6.2). The form and interpretation of the payload suffix is language-defined. The language standard shall require that any such optional output sequences be accepted as input in conversion of external character sequences to supported formats.IEEE 754-2019 pdf free download.

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